Title: How Digital Fatigue Is Engulfing Your Customers
1How Digital Fatigue is Engulfing Your Customers
Humans weren't built for the hyperconnected,
always-on culture we live in today.
The tech-addled world has gotten most of us
spending our days distracted- making it
impossible to pay undivided attention to any
task at hand. And your customers arent any
With almost every aspect of our lives shifting
online, it feels like its time for a break. In
the tech space, most people are excited to get
back to in-person events and tradeshows to form
meaningful connections in ways humans have
always known, not just digitally. Arent we all
tired of this hyper- connected world that keeps
pulling us in all possible directions?
2How it impacts the customer There is increased
access to information and convenient
communications, but it hasnt improved the
quality of our lives as previously anticipated.
Such deluge often results in frustration,
indecision, anxiety, and dwindling attention.
The Internet is now the constant overhang that
pervades our life in more ways than we
realize. Theres a massive disconnect that no
one wants to address, and yes, it has enormous
repercussions on customer behavior.
3Customers feel inundated with digital experiences
that all look like the version of the same
thing. Marketers must create at an elite level to
give their audience something refreshing to look
at because your audience has tuned out the
mediocre stuff.
Companies that manage to address the feelings of
tech overwhelm in their customers and
minimize friction would enjoy higher revenue
growth than their counterparts that dont.
4Too much screen time Massive volumes wouldnt
help your marketing game anymore. Keeping your
customer engaged is the only way forward. Now
its not about keeping them glued to their
screens but more about finding creative ways to
engage them without worsening the digital fatigue.
Marketers need to give a human touch to customer
interactions. Sending irrelevant
marketing messages at the wrong time is a
surefire way to drive your customers away.
The modern sales and marketing imperative is to
turn customer interactions into conversations
that matter. Marketers have amassed large volumes
of data but fail to personalize it and make it
relevant to their target market. Customers, on
the other hand, are tired of marketing messages
that all talk about the same thing.
Its time to stop vying for your customers
attention how everyone else is be more human.
Now this might sound counter-intuitive, but
marketers need to step away from the screen for a
bit and find out-of-the-box ways to communicate
with their audience and create truly engaging
We cant be innovative with our marketing if we
are in a rut the same way of doing things and
hoping for different results. The Editors
Note Your customers experiences with digital
technologies shifted during the pandemic, and the
spike of it is making it change again. Its not
about being atavistic but about being more human.
Peoples desires to digitally disconnect are
increasing make sure its not your brand they
feel a need to disconnect from!
Dont design lacklustre digital experiences
design for joy.
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