Title: Construction Equipment And Machinery by Atlas Industries
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Atlas Industries Construction Equipment And
Atlas Industries india's best manufacturer and
exporter of road and civil construction
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Follllow Attllas IIndusttrriies
Conttactt Attllas IIndusttrriies
Civil Road Construction Machinery
Manufacturer We are leading Indian manufacturer
and exporter of road and civil construction
Construction Equipment And Machinery
asphalt batching plant
Portable concrete plants Portable concrete
plants by Atlas Industries are featured with
reversible drum type mixer in the capacities of
10 m3/hr. 15 m3/hr. 20 m3/hr. and 25 cum per
hour. The speciality of these plants is that
they can be towed easily by use of pneumatic
braking or by towing it to a tractor.
wet mix macadam plants We use these mixers in
Atlas wet mix macadam plants that we
manufacture up to 300 tph. Wet mix macadam
plants are also known as soil stabilization
plants. They are used for producing soil
stabilization material which is used for laying
on the road.
Atlas Industries offers asphalt batching plant for
sale. We have developed this equipment to help
contractors produce hot mix asphalt using a
discontinuous process with the help of accurate
weighing technology coupled with fast, low
maintenance and reliable mixer.
Contact Us Our Location Plot No.14/1, GIDC-II,
Dediyasan Mehsana, Gujarat INDIA Call
us 91-2762-224065 Email us contact_at_atlasindustri
es.in Fax 91-2762-224066
Connect with Atlas Industries india's best
manufacturer and exporter of road and civil
Follllow Attllas IIndusttrriies
Conttactt Attllas IIndusttrriies
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