Title: Top Boarding School
1Swarnprastha Public School
Best Boarding School in Sonipat Apply for
Admission call- 91 9812583803
3Learning Philosophy
Swarnaprastha Public School focus on equipping
our students with the necessary skills required
to live a meaningful and purposeful life and
preparing them for every challenge of the modern
world. Swarnaprastha Public School, Sonipat
inspires students to become lifelong learners and
problem solvers so that they can contribute to
their societies and beyond.
Website- https//www.swarnprastha.com/ Toll free-
4Key Purposes of Learning
- To nurture indispensable life skills,
decision-making skills, critical thinking, and
analytical competencies in students. - To accelerate a constructive approach towards
compassion, inclusion, diversity, and a sense of
responsibility in learners. - To make learning an engaging and enjoyable
process for children as well as teachers. - To blend traditional systems with modern
technology and create a unique learning
environment focusing on the real-world
application of concepts. - To implement a unique DECA model that is
Discover, Explore, Connect, and Apply. - To raise curiosity in students and teach them to
ask questions and clear their doubts rather than
engage in an inactive educational approach. - To unlock the potential focusing on Leadership,
Enterpreneurship, Global Exposure, Environment
Sensitivity, Neutrality, and Democracy. - To bring out the best in students making them
capable enough to achieve success in their
desired fields.
Website- https//www.swarnprastha.com/ Toll free-
5Thank You!!
Address- Sector-19, Near Omaxe city, Sonipat-
131021, Haryana Phone- 1800-1800-842,
9183079227004 Reception/General Queries-
919729213802, 91981258383803 Mail-
info_at_swarnprastha.com admission_at_swarnprast
ha.com Website- www.swarnprastha.com