Title: Smart Agriculture Market Analysis and Demand 2023-2030
1Smart Agriculture Market 2023-2030
2The global smart agriculture market is
experiencing significant growth due to the
widespread adoption of advanced technologies such
as Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial
intelligence (AI) in the agriculture industry.
Farmers are increasingly leveraging these
technologies to enhance farming efficiency,
monitor livestock, and detect diseases. The
market is further fueled by macroeconomic factors
like shrinking arable land, the need to reduce
Green House Emissions (GHG), and the growing
global population, which is dependent on
agriculture products to address the rising issue
of starvation.Access Full Report
rt-agriculture-market According to a report by
the United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization (UN FAO) in 2020, if current
agricultural production trends continue, the
number of people suffering from hunger could
exceed 840 million by 2030. This alarming
statistic presents a significant opportunity for
technology providers to scale their IT services
in the agriculture domain by offering support for
emerging technologies such as robotics,
cloud-based solutions, AI sensors, and RFID tags
using IoT.