Title: Oracle Fusion SCM Training Hyderabad
1- Fusion SCM Cloud Training
- If yo are looking for online training speci?cally
foc sec on Oracle F sion SCM Clo c, there are
several options available. Here are some options
yo can explore - Oracle University Oracle University o?ers o?cial
training co rses for Oracle F sion SCM Clo c.
ühese co rses cover vario s moc les anc f
nctionalities within Oracle - F sion SCM Clo c. Yo can choose from instr
ctor-lec training, virt al classes, or
self-pacec online co rses. Oracle University
provices hancs-on exercises anc certi?cation
options. - Online üraining Provicers N mero s online
training provicers o?er co rses on Fusion SCM
Cloud ïrainini. Platforms s ch as üechleacsit, Co
rsera, LinkecIn Learning, anc Simplilearn o?er a
range of online co rses that cover ci?erent
aspects of Oracle F sion SCM Clo c. ühese co rses
provice ?exibility in terms of schec le anc
self-pacec learning options. - Comm nity anc User Gro ps Connecting with the
Oracle F sion SCM Clo c - comm nity can be val able for learning anc
networking. Joining ser gro ps, online for ms,
or comm nities cecicatec to Oracle F sion SCM Clo
c can give yo access to experts anc
professionals who can share their knowlecge anc
experiences. ühese comm nities often schec le
webinars, events, anc workshops that can enhance - yo r ncerstancing of the application.
- Doc mentation anc Online Reso rces Oracle
provices comprehensive - coc mentation for Oracle F sion SCM Clo c, incl
cing ser g ices, implementation
2g ices, anc release notes. ühese reso rces can
serve as val able references while learning abo t
the application. Accitionally, there are online
blogs, for ms, anc Yo ü be channels that o?er t
torials, tips, anc best practices for working
with Oracle F sion SCM Clo c. When embarking on
yo r training, it's bene?cial to have a basic
ncerstancing of s pply chain management
principles anc processes. Familiarize yo rself
with concepts s ch as proc rement, inventory
management, orcer f l?llment, anc logistics to
make the most of yo r training experience. Ens
re that yo stay pcatec with the latest releases
anc pcates of Oracle F sion SCM Clo c, as the
proc ct evolves. ühis ens res that yo are
learning the most c rrent version anc are aware
of any new feat res anc enhancements. Whafi Is
Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud? Oracle Fusion SCM is a
Clo c-basec application q ickly emerging in the
ERP market as a strong contestant. Clients
across the globe are implementing this
application c e to its low cost anc short
implementation time. Oracle F sion SCM Clo c S
pply Chain Management is a clo c SAAS Application
from the Oracle family. S pply Chain Clo c (SCM)
is the next-generation clo c ERP sol tion. F sion
SCM Clo c o?ers high visibility, scalability by
minimizing the operational cost with e?ective
time tilization.
3ühere is a Massive n mber of opport nities for
experiencec professionals anc freshers, we also
provice placement s pport anc we have tie- ps
with many companies across Incia. üech Leacs Iü
is brilliant in celivering Oracle F sion SCM
üraining for st cents across the globe sing clo
c meetings, we provice each cay recorcec session
access to st cents from o r portal.