Title: Humane Possum Removal Brisbane QLD
1Do You Need A Professional Possum Catcher In
Brisbane? Real Experts Are Available Here
Humane Possum Control Brisbane
2The Process Of Acquiring A Possum As A Pet In The
State Of Queensland Is As Follows
1. Firstly, it is important to note that it is
illegal to keep a possum as a pet in Queensland
without a permit.
2. Secondly, to acquire a permit, applicants must
submit a written application to the Department of
Environment and Science (DES).
3. The application must include
The applicants name, address and contact
The species of possum that the applicant wishes
to keep as a pet
The reason why the applicant wishes to keep a
possum as a pet
An outline of the proposed housing and care
arrangements for the possum
The name and contact details of the
veterinarian who will be responsible for the care
of the possum
Any other relevant information that the
applicant believes may be of assistance to the
DES in assessing the application.
4. After receiving the application, the DES will
assess the application and make a decision on
whether or not to issue a permit
5. If a permit is issued, the applicant will be
required to comply with the conditions of the
permit, which may include conditions.
Great Team
This team uses the latest and most effective
methods to remove possums from any property, and
you will not find a confident team like this who
can provide you with the best possum removal
service in Brisbane.
Best Service Provider
Got the best service provider for possum removal
in Brisbane, and I am happy to get help from this
company. This company has a team of experienced
and qualified professionals who are experts in
possum removal and committed to providing the
best possible service.
Good For My Home
Your team was great to solve possum problems at
my home. A reliable and effective possum removal
service in Brisbane. Look no further than this
Possum Removal Service!
407 3186 8640
288 Edward St, Brisbane, QLD, 4000, Australia