Title: Start Growing Gourmet Mushrooms at Home
2The Freshrooms Story
At Freshrooms, we love mushrooms! We especially
love cooking exciting dishes with them to enjoy
among friends and family! We make it easy and fun
for anyone to grow gourmet mushrooms at home,
year-round. Your Freshrooms grow kit is
guaranteed to produce fresh and tasty mushrooms
right from the box perfect for any foodie or
mushroom lover! Simply mist with water watch
them grow. Visit us at Freshrooms.com for some of
our favorite recipes and growing tips. We know
that you will enjoy your mushroom grow kit as
much as we enjoy making them for you! Much Love-
Dustin, Joe, and Scott.
3Grow Delicious Mushrooms
From the Box
Golden Oyster Mushroom Spray Grow Kit
Blue Oyster Mushroom Spray Grow Kit
Lions Mane Mushroom Spray Grow Kit
Pink Oyster Mushroom Spray Grow Kit
4Checkout Our Recipes
Welcome to our mushroom recipe page where youll
find lots of tasty mushroom dishes and videos. We
will continue to update this page with fresh new
recipes so check back often. If you have a recipe
or video that you would like to share with our
community, please email us at grow_at_freshrooms.com
Be sure to include your name so we can give you
props as well!
Golden Oyster Mushroom Rockefeller
Blue Oyster Mushroom Tart
Lions Mane Steak Salad
5We Make it Easy
To Eat Healthy
TEAR Perforated disk from box
ENJOY Create your favorite recipe
CUT X in plastic bag
GROW Spray with water 3 times daily
6Easy Delicious Recipes
Find your new favorite meals with our mushrooms
Lions Mane Lobster Roll (seafood substitute)
Lions Mane Crab Cake
Mushroom Carnitas Tacos
7Let's Connect
Please feel free to contact us by filling out the
form below and we will get back to you in one
business day or less.