Title: Brushing After Wisdom Tooth Removal Tips
1Tips For Brushing After Wisdom Tooth Removal
2Brushing your teeth soon after wisdom tooth
removal can aid healing and prevent infection.
However, you should be gentle and take certain
precautions during the healing process. Here are
some tips to follow
31. Use Mild Toothpaste That Won't Cause Stinging
42. Brush Slowly and Carefully Near the Extraction
53. Use A Soft Toothbrush That Is Gentle on The
64. Rinse Your Mouth With Warm Salt Water After
Eating To Remove Particles And Bacteria
7If you think you may need a wisdom teeth removal
in Houston , Victory Smiles can help. The
dedicated team will assess your smile and
determine if wisdom tooth removal is necessary.
Click to know more.
8Contact Us
Victory Smiles
Houston-Antoine 7328 Antoine Dr, Houston, TX 77088
1 281-271-1822