Title: Quality That Will Amaze You - Doodle Couture
1Quality That Will Amaze You
2Meet our Founder Lauren Ephrat
As an obsessed dog mom myself, I have made it our
mission at Doodle Couture to change the way you
think about walking your dog. Our dogs bring us
unconditional love and joy. It only makes sense
to strengthen that bond with more stylish and
innovative options during the best part of their
day. Our products are meticulously designed and
made with the finest fabrics, finishings, and
closures available. We promise to elevate your
daily walking routine with quality accessories
you both will adore. Thanks for being here. I
am grateful to have you on this journey with us.
3Our Exclusive Harness Collection
Buy the best quality, stylish luxury dog
harness for your pooch for a seamless style
makeover of your own fur baby. Select from the
finest harness collection in different styles
only from Doodle Couture.
4- Our Exclusive Leashes Collection
Buy the best quality, stylish luxury dog
leashes for your pooch for a seamless style
makeover of your own fur baby. Select from the
finest collection of leashes in different styles
only from Doodle Couture.
5Dog Gift Set
Buy the best quality, stylish luxury dog
walking set for your pooch for a seamless style
makeover of your own fur baby, making it an
ideal gift set for any dog. Select from the
finest collection of dog gift sets only from
Doodle Couture.
6Our Exclusive Waste Bag HoldersCollection
Buy the best quality, stylish luxury outdoor
dog waste bag holder for your pooch for a
seamless style makeover of your own fur baby.
Select from the finest collection of dog waste
bag holders in different styles only from Doodle
7Contact Us
hello_at_doodlecouture.com 516-591-0008
860 Willis Avenue 104 Albertson, NY 11507
CONTACT US Expect a response within 2 hours,
7am- 7pm, 7 days a week.
doodlecouture. com