Title: TOP Visual Hierarchy Principles That You Must Know
1TOP Visual Hierarchy Principles That You Must Know
2One of the truth bombs that we wish to drop is
appearance matters when it comes to graphic
design. It is all about visual elements, so the
result should be aesthetically appealing and
digestible. Design trends may come and go, but
the design and user experiences basics are
forever. Today we will talk about some
fundamental elements of visual hierarchy and how
they can make an actual difference. Being a
reliable and emerging favorite graphic design
company in Ahmedabad, we offer extraordinary
graphic design.
3Visual Hierarchy Principles
41. Size Matters
- One of the thumb rules in the design that can
change the entire visual game is the size of the
element. The usual argument is that larger is
always better, but the main question is how large
the element size should be? The largest element
in the design should have maximum emphasis. 90
of the information sent to the brain is visual,
and the brain processes images 60,000 times
faster than text. - The above example clearly states how the usage of
the right size for different elements narrates
the story that the storyteller wishes to tell.
The size of one element, with respect to the
other, allows to create a balance and focus on
dominant elements.
52. Negative Space Matters
- Spacing is the key to a neat and beautiful
website. It improves the aesthetic and overall
message of the website. Negative space is defined
as the space between text, graphics, images,
margins, and other elements. The negative space
dictates how a page reads and flows, plus it
allows visitors eyes to relax, especially after
scrolling through a heavy text page. Here is an
example of beautiful usage of negative space
63. Color And Contrast
- Color and contrast are an important part of the
visual hierarchy as they play a vital role in
distinguishing core elements. For example, when a
user sees colors like orange or yellow, it
creates a sense of joy and liveliness. When users
see purple or blue colors, it gives a calm and
relaxed feeling. Bold colors are easy to use and
thus used to highlight objects or set contrast in
the visual. - For example, in the above image, you can see how
using the same color is ruining the overall
experience, and the second image showcases how
using color contrast can be impactful for users.
74. Typography Hierarchy
- Another essential element that helps design stand
out and give a free flow to users is the
typography hierarchy. Using different levels
indicates the importance of the text. Bigger and
bolder typography means important, and smaller
and thinner text becomes secondary. There are two
patterns through which humans absorb information
quickly, whether it is a website, illustration,
or printed article. These two patterns include F
Pattern and the Z pattern.
85. An Illusion Of Depth
- Another element to consider is the illusion of
depth, and an illusion of depth can range from a
few inches to several miles. In laymans terms,
it is a way of manipulating space, and depth can
be created in various ways like focus,
overlapping, light, shadow element, etc. Depth
pushes two-dimensional surfaces into
three-dimensional surfaces. There are multiple
ways to add depth, including aerial perspective
and optical.
96. Proximity
- Proximity is a key rule in the visual hierarchy.
In web design, some items need to be separated
while some grouped down. Proximity helps to
segregate the same type of content in one place
and other types in another place. The main
purpose of proximity is to create a spatial
relationship between different components that
can tell a story or make sense in design.
107. Elements Alignment
- The right alignment of elements is necessary as
it is important to align elements when you have
plenty of text or images in the design. As
mentioned above, the F or Z pattern can be used
to align them to make them perfectly
aesthetically appealing. If elements are placed
randomly, then the entire design can lose its
118.Rule Of Thirds
- Balancing the overall composition of the design
is very necessary for designers, and this is
where the rule of thirds can be used. It is
mainly used to get the best visual results. In
this, a design or image is divided into different
sections using rows and columns to form a grid.
With this rule, you can plan out the important
element placement in the design. - The above discussed are some foundational
principles of visual hierarchy in graphic design.
By using these principles, you give a clear and
understandable message to the audience. If you
wish to hire the services of graphic designers in
Ahmedabad, Pixenite should be your choice. We
have an in-house team of expert graphic designers
with plenty of experience working for different
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- Web https//www.pixenite.com/
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