Title: Offshore Accounting services
1Offshore Accounting Services
2Our Founding Princple
3Be Economical
Deploy Staff at Scale
Expand without investment
Not worry about infrastructure
4Auditors Responsible for carrying out audir
engagements under your spervision
Bookkeepers Qualified professional to accurately
handle your daily and monthly bookkeeping tasks
Tax Preparers Quailified professionals
responsible for income tax return preparation
Accountants Responsible for preparing financial
reports and recods
AP/AR Responsible for handling all billing, AP
AR tasks.
Administratos To handle admin support, CRM, data
entry, calls, marketing, social media and other
ad-hoc tasks
5Send Requirement
We Setup Your Process
Ongoing operation
- Describe Your Requirements
- Project/task details
- Team size
- Project timeline
- Timezone and work
- Future plans
- Company overview
- Project Transition and team setup
- You select the right staff
- We setup the systems
- We implement your protocols
- Traingin ramp-up
- Process trasition
- Staff mamnagement
- Key Metric and Deliverables
- Goald and objectives
- Milestones and deliverables
- Quality control
- Work practices
- Long tem plans
- Continous training
6Thank You