Title: Chun-Ju Chang - A Remarkable and Dedicated Professional
1Chun-Ju Chang Associate Professor Ph.D.
Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
2(No Transcript)
3Chun-Ju Chang has contributed to developing a
strong culture of intellectual life and design
research in the department. She has developed and
maintained personal scholarly, and professional
standing in her field of interest.
4Chun-Ju Chang has performed other related
activities as required efficiently. She has
integrated diversity and related principles into
her role as a faculty member, as appropriate,
including interaction with students and
colleagues, curriculum development, class
discussion, and serving on committees.
5Chun-Ju Chang's areas of expertise include Breast
cancer research, Tumor, and microenvironment. She
has been involved in research projects such as
Effects of Echinacea purpurea Ethanol Extract on
Male Reproductive Function in High Fat
Diet-Induced Obese Rats, and Ferulic Acid Induces
Chemoresistance, Cell Migration, and
HER2/ER-alpha Expression in Human Breast Cancer
MDA-MB-231 Cells.
6Chun-Ju Chang has been affiliated with
International Breast Cancer and Nutrition (IBCN),
National Yang-Ming University, and Taipei
Veterans General Hospital.
7Chun-Ju Chang has also maintained collaborative
relationships with various research institutions
and organizations that develop or influence her
areas of research and interest.
8Chun-Ju Chang has served as an advisor or mentor
for students, providing them with research
opportunities. She has built the capacity to
sustain and grow programs through constituent
empowerment and/or leadership development.
9Thank You
Find out more about her at her official site