OptraSCAN Fluorescence Scanning & Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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OptraSCAN Fluorescence Scanning & Analysis


OptraSCAN Fluorescence Scanning & Analysis is a Small Footprint, Automated Whole Slide Fluorescence & Brightfield Scanning With High-Resolution Imaging. Visit- Contact us at-info@optrascan.com – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: OptraSCAN


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: OptraSCAN Fluorescence Scanning & Analysis

OptraSCAN Fluorescence Scanning Analysis
Workbench Small Footprint, Automated Whole Slide
Fluorescence Brigh?ield Scanning With High
Resolu?on Imaging
OS-FL Mul?plexing Fluorescence Scanner Cloud-Enabl
ed Fluorescence Scanner With 15-Slide Capacity
OS-FLi Fluorescence Brigh?ield
Scanner Cloud-Enabled Fluorescence
Brigh?ield Scanner With 15-Slide Capacity
Key Features
Key Features
14 ?lter cubes for e?cient mul?plex imaging and
can produce up to 30 combina?ons of excita?on,
emission and dichroic 14 slots for FL and 1 for
Imaging Mode Fluorescence and grayscale in
6 ?lter cubes for e?cient mul?plex imaging 5
slots for FL and 1 for mono brigh?ield
OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900
info_at_optrascan.com www.optrascan.com
An ISO 13485 cer??ed company OptraSCAN systems
are CE mark for IVD use All OptraSCAN systems are
for research use only in North America
Technical Speci?ca?ons
User friendly, intui?ve LED touchscreen
Magni?ca?on 20x or 40x magni?ca?on Resolu?on
0.50 µm/pixel at 20x, 0.25 µm/pixel at 40x
Compa?ble with mul?ple image formats
15 slide capacity
OpenSlide compa?ble
Dimensions Weight of OS-FL - Approximate
Width- 16 ½ ", Length- 14", Height- 16", Weight-
Slide Formats Standard 25x75mm (1"x3") slides
Bar code and case reconcilia?on
Dimensions Weight of OS-FLi - Approximate
Image capture region 25x50mm
Width- 14 ", Length- 24", Height- 19", Weight-
Opera?ng System Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
Image Storage Space approx. 300 MB for a
single channel for a 15mm x 15 mm ?ssue
IMAGEPath Image Management System included
for viewing, storing and archiving
Data Storage 1-10 TB
TELEPath Telepathology included for real-?me,
remote consulta?ons
FL Viewer IHC Mul?plex So?ware
Key Features
Large image support Illumina?on correc?on,
vigne?ng correc?on Photobleaching
correc?on Pixel to pixel spa?al registra?on
Individual signal op?miza?on Spectral
unmixing Mul?-level cell segmenta?on Ga?ng to
construct cells from segmented cellular
parts Robust quan?ta?ve analysis for each
imaged channel
Comprehensive feature extrac?on 3D
reconstruc?on Image manipula?ons Brightness
Contrast and opacity Custom channel naming Layer
blending Image opera?ons Atlas
mapping Pan-and-zoom func?onality for high
resolu?on images Drawing impor?ng of
user-de?ned regions of interest
Technical Speci?ca?ons
Supports CZI, BigTIFF, JP-2000 and standard TIFF
with no restric?on on image size number of
channels So?ware is na?vely compa?ble and
seamlessly integrated to support end-to-end
image data processing and analysis mul?plexed
?uorescent images
Features associated with each cellular object is
computed available for viewing and
analysis Segmented cells are displayed in a cell
Opera?ng system Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900
info_at_optrascan.com www.optrascan.com
An ISO 13485 cer??ed company OptraSCAN systems
are CE mark for IVD use All OptraSCAN systems are
for research use only in North America So?ware
provides precise pixel-to-pixel spa?al
registra?on for all imaged channels per
specimen, including those sequen?ally acquired
a?er repeated an?body tripping, restaining and
Mul?-Level Cell Segmenta?on Detec?on algorithms
to iden?fy and classify cellular en??es
Algorithms can be ?ne tuned by user
3D Re-Construc?on Selec?on of mul?ple
sec?ons Fetching of composite segmented cell and
process objects that need to be reconstructed 3
Dimensional (3-D) visualiza?on
Ga?ng Module Morphological opera?ons between
segmented objects in di?erent channels to
reconstruct cells Addi?on and subtrac?on of
segmented objects between two or more channels
supported Data Export In FCS ICE So?ware
supports FCS and ICE export ?le formats compa?ble
with 3rd party ?ow cytometry and image cytometry
so?wares Pan-And-Zoom Func?onality For High
Resolu?on Images Real-?me pan and zoom So?ware
supports func?onality of drawing user adjustable
ROIs dropdown/ select the ROI op?on for
selec?ng a par?cular area in the input image The
so?ware supports adding annota?ons for the color
channels (square, rectangle, circle, ellipsoid,
polygonal, freeform) to classify and compare the
data across mul?ple areas of interest The so?ware
supports func?onality to save the ROIs drawn
on the image
OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900
info_at_optrascan.com www.optrascan.com
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