Title: Seamless Pipes | ERW Pipes | U-tubes - Shashwat Stainless Inc
1ERW Pipes Manufacturers
91 22674 37930
ERW Pipes Specifications - Range - 1/8 NB to
36 NB, 1/4 OD to 36 OD Thickness - 0.8 mm to
12.7 mm Types - As Welded, EFW, ERW End - Plain
End, Beveled End
exports_at_shashwatstainless.com www.shashwatstainles
2Seamless Pipes Manufacturers
91 22674 37930
Seamless Pipes Specifications - Thickness -
Exact 0.25, 0.28, 0.32, 0.37 Pipe Form - Round,
Square, Hollow, Rectangular SS Pipe End - Plain
End, Beveled End Origin - Japanese, Korean, US,
Russian, Indian
exports_at_shashwatstainless.com www.shashwatstainles
3U-Tubes Manufacturers
91 22674 37930
U-Tubes Specifications - Range - 6.35 Mm OD to
273 Mm OD Outer Diameter - 9.52 mm O.D to 50.80
mm O.D Thickness - 0.7 mm to 3.68 mm Length - up
to 12 Meters Leg Length
exports_at_shashwatstainless.com www.shashwatstainles