Title: Blockchain as a Service Provider (1)
1Blockchain as a Service
2Blockchain Service provider
- A distributed ledger that stores data and
transactions is called a block. In 2008, Satoshi
Nakamoto created the blockchain. The first
algorithm in the Blockchain is "Proof of Work"
This consciences protocol meets the requirements
of the Blockchain. - It is a continuous method of storing blocks in
distributed databases. A block has nonce, data, a
hash, a previous hash, and the time the block was
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4Benefits of Blockchain Services
- Immutability
- Transparency
- Traceability
- Security
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6Why to choose Sara Technologies Inc.
- Sara Technologies Inc., a U.S. tech company since
2007, provides services like NFT marketplace
development, metaverse game development, and
enterprise blockchain development. Our blockchain
as a service is the most popular in technology
industries. - Services we offer
- One Stop Solution
- Trusted development partner
- Support Maintenance
- Cost time effective Services
7Other Services we Offer
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8Feel Free To Contact Us
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 7677 Oakport Street, Suite
460, Oakland, CA 94612 Phone 510-768-7101
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 16870 W. Bernardo Drive,
Suite 250, San Diego, CA 92127 Phone
NEW MEXICO 6565 Americas Parkway NE, Suite 800,
Albq, NM 87110 Phone 505-814-0011
MAIL US info_at_saratechnologies.com
Feel free to contact us round-the-clock for
hiring Blockchain as a Service
9Thank you