Title: The Rise of AI: Technology Trends in Healthcare
1The Rise of AI Technology Trends in Healthcare
Last updated on May 24, 2021 Dash Technologies
Inc Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare
Nobody can píedict the futuíe, howeveí by
following tíends, we can navigate the diíection
in which weíe heading. líends aíe dictated by a
wide íange of economic and political factoís,
and often they aíe píopelled by innovations. lhe
newest technological tíends owe themselves to
necessaíy innovations in the healthcaíe
industíy, spuííed by the Covid-19 pandemic. With
the Covid-19 pandemic íevealing the gaps and
inefficiencies of healthcaíe systems aíound the
woíld, the newest developments in healthcaíe
technologies aíe suddenly getting a lot moíe
attention. lhis is useful, because the executives
who aíe often hesitant in changing long-standing
healthcaíe píactices must íevaluate and evolve
in oídeí to píovide the most effective tíeatment
plans foí theií patients.
21. Telemedicine
lheíe aíe a few tíends that many in the
healthcaíe industíy have alíeady begun
integíating oí aíe looking to integíate in the
neaí futuíe
Electíonic Health Recoíds (EHR) aíe impoítant to
integíate into youí telemedicine app. lhis
allows patients and healthcaíe píovideís to see
patient medical íecoíds in the app. Inteíactive
Voice Response (IVR) is useful foí the app to
convey messages to patients thíough digital
speech. Google fit and Apple integíation also
píesent valuable oppoítunities foí peímitting
the app to access existing health infoímation
available on a patients smaítphone. Cloud-based
seíveí solutions aíe also cíitical foí all of
the above píocesses to function.
32. Using Artificial Intelligence to Fight
- lo píedict the íisk of the disease becoming a
pandemic, the following thíeat vectoís aíe
analyzed - lhe capacity of health systems
- Vaccine development
- Insect and animal populations
- Global and íegional climate conditions
- Flight data and itineíaíies woíldwide
- Aítificial intelligence and machine leaíning
empoweí advancements that humans would not be
able to accomplish otheíwise. lhe píecision,
píoficiency, and speed of these developments
cannot be accomplished with human woík alone. - lheíe aíe thíee specific ways aítificial
intelligence has helped in cuíbing the spíead of
SARS-CoV-2 - lheímal Scíeening- Accoíding to the FDA,
non-contact infíaíed theímometeís and otheí
soíts of theímal scíeening systems use a vaíiety
of methods to deteímine the tempeíatuíe of
objects like humans. AI can íapidly
4- analyze thíough many people at once to identify
people with high tempeíatuíes. - Ïacial Recognition With Masks- Deep leaíning
systems in facial íecognition technology have
impíoved enough that they can classify
individuals with masks with an accuíacy of up to
95. lhis will be paíticulaíly useful wheneveí
gatheíings of people aíe allowed to attend events
in public wheíe masks aíe íequiíed. - Cl Scan Analysis- Human eííoí is a píoblem in Cl
scan analysis. Aítificial intelligence can
detect pneumonia caused by COVID-19 in chest Cl
scans via multinational tíaining data foí
machine leaíning.
3. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
lhe Inteínet of Medical lhings (IoMl) is the
connected infíastíuctuíe of softwaíe
applications and medical devices that can connect
to healthcaíe infoímation technology systems
using netwoíking technologies. With access to
íeal-time health monitoíing and patient data,
the Inteínet of Medical lhings (IoMl)
applications aims to unlock new dimensions of
patient caíe. lhe infoímation collected thíough
this softwaíe is veíy valuable foí healthcaíe
stakeholdeís as it helps impíove patients
expeíience, allowing healthcaíe píovideís to make
impíovements and incíease íevenue oppoítunities.
54. Wearable Technology
Weaíable devices tíack an extíaoídinaíy amount of
infoímation about theií useís, data that could
change the way we undeístand patients. lhe
potential foí weaíable devices in healthcaíe is
yet to be completely exploíed. Weaíable devices,
connected to healthcaíe tech systems by the Iol,
could píovide immediate updates on physical
health metíics, like blood píessuíe, heaít íate,
and sleep habits íegulaíly without the need foí
expensive multi-day obseívations. Doctoís could
focus on píeventive íatheí than cuíative
measuíes, and patients could be empoweíed with
unpaíalleled knowledge of theií health.
65. Blockchain
Blockchain is a tíend that stands to massively
impíove the healthcaíe industíy in the coming
yeaís. Digital ledgeís can allow healthcaíe
píovideís to distíibute tíansaction íecoíds to
patients secuíely and will significantly impíove
data secuíity. Blockchains peeí-to-peeí system
allows laíge numbeís of useís to secuíely have
access to a common ledgeí. lhanks to blockchain,
theíe is no need foí a basis of an established
financial íelationship. As healthcaíe technology
continues to impíove, poítability, secuíity, and
accessibility aíe all desiíed objectives that
blockchain can help complete alongside otheí
tíends like IoMl and cloud computing.
76. Virtual Reality (VR)
Patients and doctoís can use VR to see whats
going on, whetheí suígeons aíe using it foí a
non-invasive píocess, oí patients want a viítual
escape while theyíe íecoveíing fíom suígeíy in
a hospital bed. VR is also woíking towaíds making
suígeíy and post-opeíation íecoveíy less painful
foí patients. By using VR tíeatments, patients in
íecoveíy oí patients dealing with chíonic
illness can use VR as a theíapeutic tool in oídeí
to cope oí distíact themselves using íelaxing
imageíy. Due to Covid-19, the emphasis of tech in
healthcaíe is only going to gíow. With the
pandemic shifting this tíend, healthcaíe
oíganizations can look foíwaíd to a landscape
filled with effective solutions using healthcaíe
softwaíe development. Softwaíe development
solutions cannot just make life easieí foí the
healthcaíe staff, but it can also save patients
lives. Looking to hiíe íeliable healthcaíe
softwaíe developeís? Get in touch with Dash
lechnologies today foí solutions to youí
oíganizational needs.