Title: Beyond The Hype: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medical Devices
1Beyond The Hype Artificial Intelligence (AI)
in Medical Devices
Last updated on June 15, 2021 Dash Technologies
Inc Artificial Intelligence, Medical Device
lhe field of aítificial intelligence (AI) is
gíowing at an astonishing íate. Between 2017 and
2018, global ventuíe funding in AI-focused
staítups gíew by an estimated 50, suípassing
the 19 billion maík. Although its easy to see
the influence of AI within the Il sectoí, the
íeality is that AI is bíanching into and
disíupting otheí industíies, including
healthcaíe and medical devices. Aítificial
Intelligence Aítificial intelligence (AI) is the
science and engineeíing of making intelligent
machines, specifically intelligent computeí
píogíams using models based on a
2statistical analysis of data, expeít systems that
píimaíily íely on if-then statements, and
machine leaíning. Machine Leaíning Machine
leaíning (ML) is an AI technique that can be used
to design and tíain softwaíe algoíithms to leaín
fíom and act on data, essentially cíeating
adaptive algoíithms that have the píospective to
continuously enhance device peífoímance in
íeal-time. In healthcaíe, ML can be used to
impíove patient outcomes. AI in medical devices
is a significantly gíowing paít of the healthcaíe
industíy with the potential to impíove patient
caíe, as well as incíeasing the efficiency of
administíative píactices by automating tasks and
achieving fasteí íesults. Risk Categorization for
Medical Devices lhe FDA categoíizes medical
devices based on theií íisks and the íegulatoíy
contíols necessaíy to píovide a íeasonable
assuíance of safety and efficiency. It combines
the seíiousness of the medical condition and the
impoítance of the infoímation píovided by the
AI/ML-based SaMD to the healthcaíe decision. lhe
íisk-based appíoach to categoíize SaMD is based
on the intended use. lhe fouí categoíies,
íanging fíom lowest (I) to highest íisk (IV),
íeflect the íisk associated with the clinical
situation and device use.
3Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Software as a Medical Device (SaMD)
lhe gíeatest benefits of AI/ML in softwaíe
íesides in its capability to leaín fíom íeal-
woíld use cases, and íespond to an expeíience to
impíove its peífoímance. By leaíning fíom
íeal-woíld feedback (tíaining) to using this
feedback to impíove its peífoímance
(adaptation), AI/ML make softwaíe as a medical
device (SaMD) adaptable. lo leaín moíe about the
specifics, check out ouí blog Softwaíe as a
Medical Device Eveíything You Need to Know
about SaMD, to see how SaMD typically poweís
technology and connectivity to devices in oídeí
to monitoí safety, efficiency, and peífoímance.
4New Trends in AI for Medical Devices
- Cuííent emeíging applications foí medical devices
poweíed by AI/ML seem to be divided in a few
categoíies, howeveí, the possibilities foí AI/ML
íelated devices aíe numeíous. lhese Include - Management of Chíonic Diseases Healthcaíe
píovideís use machine leaíning to manage chíonic
conditions of patients by examining data souíce
and cíeating algoíithms to píoactively tíeat
theií patients. - Detecting Canceí in Mammogíaphy Bíeast canceí
scíeening via mammogíaphy is a bíoadly accepted
tool foí bíeast canceí scíeening and anotheí
aíea wheíe AI can be applied. With cuííent
imaging and analysis tools, canceí cells aíe
often coveíed by dense bíeast tissues, but with
the use of aítificial intelligence, the íisk of
eííoís in íeading these complicated images will
soon be íeduced. - Medical Imaging Companies aíe integíating
AI-díiven platfoíms in medical scanning devices
to expand image claíity and clinical outcomes by
finding patteíns in data humans cannot see.
Whetheí in image data oí non-image data, AI can
see things invisible to the human eye. - In Vitío Diagnostic lools AI can be applied to in
vitío diagnostics using íeal- time imaging to
captuíe fluoíescence signals as cells pass
thíough a micíofluidic channel. An AI algoíithm
could be used to distinguish cells by
5- size, shape, and emission wavelength, and can
categoíize the cells as píedictoís of ceítain
diseases. - Diagnosis of Degeneíative Bíain Diseases lhe use
of an intelligent system that accumulates,
manages, analyzes, and automatically identifies
neuíological abnoímalities is cíucial. lhe
application of AI in this aíea will impíove the
consistency of diagnosis and incíease the success
of tíeatment.
The Future of AI for Medical Devices
AI in medical devices will continue to advance
and pave the way foí moíe technological
innovations in diagnostics, imaging, mobile
computing, and weaíables. By integíating AI,
medical devices will become moíe consistent,
accuíate, and quick in deliveíing íesults. With
AI gaining moíe tíaction foí píactical use cases
and the amount of published íeseaích on the its
gíowing medical applications, it seems ceítain
íegulatoís and the medical community at laíge
aíe íealizing the positive impact of AI in
medical device development. Looking to hiíe
expeít medical device softwaíe developeís? Get in
touch with us foí solutions to youí
oíganizational needs.