Title: Tips to Increase Mindfulness in Daily Life
1Tips to Increase Mindfulness in Daily Life
2A Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and
Founding Fellow of the NYC Association for CBT,
Dr. Lisa Napolitano founded CBT/DBT Associates in
New York City in 2009. In her role as Director,
Lisa Napolitano, PhD, teaches clients to change
their patterns of thinking, emotional responding,
and behavior in order to improve their quality of
life. If you are searching for the best
mindfulness therapist In NYC so you can connect
with CBT/DBT Associates. Mindfulness techniques
that teach non-judgmental awareness of an
experience can contribute to increased feelings
of contentment and acceptance, and they can help
to reduce symptoms of anxiety.
3- To incorporate mindfulness into daily life, try
the following - Create a morning routine. Instead of immediately
checking email or social media, begin the day
with a few gentle stretches, or perhaps a quiet
cup of coffee or tea. Close your eyes and pay
attention to the sounds and smells around you. - Practice mindful eating. When you eat, dont
multi-task by reading or watching TV. Focus on
each bite, and savor each individual flavor.
Notice if you reach for food from boredom rather
than actual hunger.
43. Engage in mindful driving. While traffic and
fellow drivers can trigger stress and anger,
driving also provides the perfect opportunity to
cultivate mindfulness. Take slow, deep breaths
when you feel triggered. Scan your body for
tension and focus your awareness on relaxing
those areas.
5Contact Us
Address 501 Madison Ave. Suite 303 New York, NY
Email Us intake_at_cbtdbtassocs.com
Phone no 646-679-5767