Title: Learn about the significance of retirement planning
2Understanding Retirement Planning
You invest a small portion of your income to
build wealth for your retirement.
3Benefits of Retirement Planning
01 It allows you to deal 02 You can manage 03 It
helps you to handle
your medical expenses.
your family responsibilities.
with rising inflation.
4Tips for Retirement Planning
Begin investing at a young age.
Analyze your current expenses and factor in
inflation to determine your monthly needs in
the future.
Determine your investment horizon and plan an
asset allocation accordingly.
5How do Mortgage Loans Aid in Retirement
6No End-use Restrictions
You can utilise the money for various purposes.
7Reverse Loan Against property
Instead of paying EMIs, you receive
monthly payments from your lender.
8Lower Interest Rates
Interest rates are lower because of funds
backing through costly real estate.
9Retirement planning is critical in light of
rising inflation, and a mortgage loan can
greatly assist you in this process.
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Learn about the significance of retirement