Title: AQS - Power up your life
1AQS - Power up your life We provide solar
photovoltaic (PV) systems, water and underfloor
heating, smart home automation and EV chargers
for the residential and commercial.
2Try our new Solar Savings Calculator
Try out our new solar savings calculator and
discover the potential that you roof can generate
is terms of savings. The calculator will give you
an estimate on the amount of panels that you
would be able to fit on your roof and the
potential savings using the very latest high
powered PV modules from AQS. Visit our link and
contact us so that we can give you a free
consultation and visit today. CLICK HERE and try
it now!
3Commercial Grants FEED-IN TARIFF PV projects up
to 40kWp are currently eligible for a fixed
feed-in tariff 15c guaranteed for 20 years
subject to an application with the Regulator for
Energy and Water Services (REWS). Over 40kWp the
awarded feed-in tariff is subject to competitive
bidding process. In both cases an Enemalta
grid-connection study is required and for larger
projects a full development permit may be
required. In all cases we will guide you through
the entire multi-step application and approval
process in a simple and systematic way, and will
take care of all the paperwork.
LEASING PV projects For commercial PV
projects, apart from the obvious outright sale,
we are offering a number of leasing options that
allow land-owners and occupiers to benefit from
revenue streams without any capital outlay and
with the option to buy-in at any timbuildinge.