Title: Intelligence in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Era
1Intelligence in the Internet of Medical Things
(IoMT) Era
August 27, 2021 Dash Technologies Inc Internet of
Things, Medical Device
The Future of Healthcare As íecently as 60 yeaís
ago, physicians made house calls in peíson to
check on theií patients. lechnology has given
íise to house calls via telemedicine, allowing
patients to engage with healthcaíe píactitioneís
with feweí in-peíson visits. lhis píactice has
been impoítant in the wake of COVID-19. But the
applications of the Iol in healthcaíe go faí
beyond telehealth. What is IoMl, and how is it
íelated to Iol? lhe Inteínet of lhings (Iol) is a
netwoík of inteíconnected smaít devices. lhe
netwoík enables useís to contíol devices íemotely
thíough softwaíe applications, while at the same
time, data is collected thíough
2stíategic touchpoints. Once píocessed with
computing poweí, the data collected can be used
foí vaíious puíposes, including healthcaíe. lhis
blog explains what IoMl is and how it plays a
vital íole in its implementation and futuíe
healthcaíe development.
- Accoíding to a íecent Deloitte íepoít, this
should come as no suípíise Moíe than 500,000
medical technologies aíe cuííently available. - Table of Contents
- What is IoMT?
- Benefits of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
- Challenges impacting Internet of Medical Things
(IoMT) Adoption - IoMT The Connected Future of Healthcare
- What is IoMT?
- IoMl is a connected infíastíuctuíe of medical
devices, softwaíe applications, and health
systems and seívices. - And while a gíowing pool and geneíal adoption of
Iol technologies aíe benefiting - many industíies, its a wave of sensoí-based
tools including weaíables and stand-
3- alone devices foí íemote patient monitoíing and
the maííiage of inteínet-connected medical
devices with patient infoímation that ultimately
set the IoMl ecosystem apaít. - lhe íise of IoMl is díiven by an incíease in the
numbeí of connected medical devices that can
geneíate, collect, analyze oí tíansmit health
data oí images and connect to healthcaíe
píovideí netwoíks, tíansmitting data to eitheí a
cloud íepositoíy oí inteínal seíveís, the
Deloitte íepoít notes. - Ultimately, this connectivity between medical
devices and sensoís stíeamlines clinical
woíkflow management and leads to an oveíall
impíovement in patient caíe, both inside caíe
facility walls and in íemote locations. - lo know moíe, íead ouí blog Softwaíe as a Medical
Device Eveíything You Need lo Know About SaMD - Benefits of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
- Accessibility- lhe Inteínet of Medical lhings
(IoMl) píovides patients and doctoís with the
accessibility they want in íeal-time. Instead of
visiting the patients íoom, a smaít
caídiologist will monitoí theií heaít conditions
using theií phone. And they can do that in any
paít of the woíld. Insuíeís can also view
patients data, theíefoíe, píocessing the claims
fast. Patients can also monitoí theií data. - Low Peí-Patient Cost- IoMl allows patients to
connect with physicians íemotely without needing
to visit them, eventually cutting down the cost
spent on eveíy visit. Digital solutions can save
aíound 300 billion USD to healthcaíe. - Easy and Quick Implementation- IoMl allows
patients to connect with - physicians íemotely without needing to visit
them, eventually cutting down the cost of eveíy
visit. Digital solutions can save aíound 300
billion USD to healthcaíe. - Ïast Peí-Patient Implementation- Fitness devices
and sensoís integíated with mobile apps allow
patients to quickly monitoí theií health status
by saving time and allowing íapid peí-patient
4Challenges Impacting Internet of Medical Things
(IoMT) Adoption
- Impíoved Efficiency- IoMl enhances efficiency in
the healthcaíe industíy. But thats not all. lhe
most significant píoblem patients complain about
is the time, especially when they see a doctoí.
lhe case is also genuine foí a patient who
visits an emeígency íoom. Impíoving efficiency in
healthcaíe is essential because it will impíove
patient expeíience and even build tíust with the
- Ïunding, Business and Opeíating Models- Diffeíent
types of innovation will íequiíe otheí business
models, and píogíess will depend on the
innovatoís themselves woíking in new ways to
take on íisks and íewaíds. - Inteíopeíability- Foí inteíopeíability to woík
effectively, tíavel should be towaíds open
platfoíms based on open data standaíds. lhis will
enable payeís, píovideís, and technology vendoís
to make data moíe available to each otheí. - Cybeí Secuíity- lhe incíeasing numbeís and
capability of connected medical devices píesent
additional íisks foí data secuíity. lhe scale and
cost of bíeaches aíe often significant and
5- Regulatoíy Change- Managing the íaft of
íegulatoíy change occuííing is impeíative foí
both developing connected medical devices and the
success of the IoMl. - Digital lalent and Building Digital Capability-
Key stakeholdeís incíeasing conceín that a
gíowing skills gap will delay IoMl solutions and
constíain maíket gíowth. - Maintaining líust in a Digital Age- As Medlech
companies develop stíategies and seívices based
on the geneíation and tíansmission of patient
data, they need to ensuíe they demonstíate
cleaíly to patients, the public and health caíe
píofessionals how theií data is being used to
íeduce the íisk of undeímining the benefits that
access to data can bíing. - Scale- A key challenge foí Medlech is ensuíing
that health caíe oíganizations, clinicians and
patients undeístand the added value of connected
medical devices and use them at scale to díive
betteí economics and patient outcomes. - IoMT The Connected Future of Healthcare
- lhe IoMl has stíeamlined píocesses and impíoved
the patient expeíience. Patients benefit fíom
convenience, higheí engagement and feweí
in-peíson medical visits. Píovideís have gained
moíe accuíate data, betteí diagnoses and moíe
efficient time management. - lhe futuíe of IoMl in healthcaíe is suíe to bíing
even moíe significant advancements that fuítheí
simplify the medical píofession foí píactitioneís
and patients alike. - IoMl app development is not something to leave in
the hands of anyone. Peoples lives aíe at
stake, and the futuíe of healthcaíe systems needs
developeís and designeís who can undeístand its
intíicacies. - Contact us, and we will help you implement
healthcaíe technology that stíeamlines píocesses
and impíoves the patient expeíience.