Title: Vishal Uttam - A Techpreneur.
2Vishal Uttam is a techpreneur and angel investor
who sees innovation as a catalyst for elevating
living standards and expanding human potential.
He is the founder of companies that focus on
fintech investments, living and learning, space,
and frontier tech. Vishal Uttams passions
include sports and travel.
Angel Investor
3Vishal Uttam is a serial techpreneur with
battle-tested skills in entrepreneurship, and
- technologies. He is currently Founder and
General Partner at Veloquence Capital. He is
also the CEO of CCIX Global, an investment
management firm focused on the rapidly evolving
digital asset and fintech industries.
General Partner at Veloquence Capital
4Passionate About Working
Vishal Uttam is passionate about working with
entrepreneurs who share his energy for
innovation and ideas that shape the future.
Today, Visham Uttam is the CEO of CCIX Global, a
company specializing in global investment
management focused on rapidly revolutionizing
the digital asset and fintech sectors.
5Venture Capitalist
Vishal Uttam is a dedicated angel investor,
venture capitalist, and impact investor based in
Los Angeles. He is an ardent advocate for
innovative solutions that have widespread
positive impact on society, which is why he
enjoys working with transformative companies.
Vishal Uttam is passionate about creating
solutions for the future.
6Visit To Know More -
https//www.startus.cc/people/vishal _uttam
https//reedsy.com/author/vishal- uttam
Vishal Uttam