Title: What Fonts Should You Use on Your CV?
What Fonts Should You Use on Your CV?
Skype art2write support_at_art2write.com Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
Choose the right font for your CV
To put it simply, if you want your CV to look
good, and you want it to present you as a
high-caliber professional who does high-quality
work, you need to choose the right fonts. We are
a professional CV writing company, and over the
years I have come to understand that some fonts
work much better than others on CVs. Well, I'm
going to reveal exactly which fonts I use, and
why I think you should use them on your CV too.
Skype art2write support_at_art2write.com Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
The best fonts for your CV are
Calibri No-nonsense, modern, subtle and easy to
read. Its narrower than most other options which
are great for saving space and maximizing
content.Helvetica Clean, simple, modern and
looks great if you want to create a minimalist
CV.Garamond A traditional serif font. Its
more attractive than Times New Roman and can look
classic and elegant when used correctly.Century
Gothic A modern font that has large round
lettering. Great for headings but avoid using
this font for the main body of the document.
Skype art2write support_at_art2write.com Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
What size font should you use on your CV?
When writing your CV it's important to consider
the size of your text. If the font size on your
CV is too large, your text will take up too much
space and it'll look unprofessional. If the font
on your CV is too small, your CV will be
difficult to read and you'll probably include too
much detail without realizing it.
Skype art2write support_at_art2write.com Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
Professional CV Writers UAE
CV writing in Dubai can help employers identify
the key achievements of an employee. More and
more people are seeking the services of
professional CV writers in order to get a perfect
resume that can impress employers. Hence,
Professional CV writers are knowledgeable about
such things and they are able to create a CV that
often leads to a job interview. They try to
highlight the information in the CV that is
relevant to the job applied for.
Skype art2write support_at_art2write.com Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
Contact Info Details
Art2write is Middle-Easts No. 1 dedicated CV
Writing Services company. Get in touch with us
should you have any specific query or would like
to purchase a custom package. You can chat with
us if available or contact us through
email. Working hours 9am 10pm
(Mon-Sun) Skype art2write support_at_art2write.com D
ubai, United Arab Emirates
If you wish to see more samples of CV, Cover and
LinkedIn to help you decide about our services,
please feel free to email us at support_at_art2write.
Skype art2write support_at_art2write.com Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
Thank You
Skype art2write support_at_art2write.com Dubai,
United Arab Emirates