Title: How to get rid of Termites at home
15 Tips to Get Rid Of Termites At Home
2Remove With Boric Acid
Boric acid is a non-toxic pesticide and doesnt
harm other materials in your home, it every time
stays at the uppermost part of the list. Moreover
acid doesnt kill termites it just stops them to
get sufficient nutrients. It can be used both for
inside and outside purposes best place to use
boric acid is outside of your home.
3Remove With Cardboard
This is one of the most attractive methods of
getting rid of wood termites. Keep the box in the
area where termites have an attack. The termites
will smell it and will start eating cardboard
leaving all the wooden furniture. Make the
cardboard a little wet so that it smells like
wood. Once all the termites gather in one place
in the box then you can keep it away from your
4Remove with Neem Oil
In the list of how to get rid of termites, neem
oil is the perfect one. Neem oil release a
chemical which will stop termites to reproduce
and stop eating food. After oil does its job, it
released a smell that termites dont prefer at
all and that keeps your place safe from wood
5Remove with Sunlight
Wood termites love to stay in moist and dark
conditions. These conditions allow them to grow.
Keep this condition in your house and get relief
from the termites at your home. If you keep your
furniture in sunlight for a day or week, termites
enable you to intake the heat, and they die. The
main benefit is sunlight soaks the moisture from
the furniture, and for the next few years, you
will get rid of termites from your wooden
6Remove with Nematoads
Nematodes are the parasites that kill termites.
They are too tiny that they are not visible to
the human naked eye. The best one is one they
kill all the termites they die of their own.
Theyre not even dangerous to humans or pets.