Title: Affordable Emergency Dentist Oshawa -Groot Dental
Dr. Anu Preet Samra
My name is Dr. Anu Preet Samra. I have been
working as an associate dentist since 2005. I
have accumulated vast amounts of clinical
experience over the years and I hope to bring
that to the forefront at my practice.
Dental Filing Cavities
Root Canal Treatment
Teeth Whitening
Emergency Dental Exam
Oshawa Orthodontist
4Affordable Emergency Dentist Oshawa
We provide emergency dentist services that can
have a chipped, broken, or knocked-out tooth
fixed and look good again in no time. At our
dentist's office, we can ensure you get the
treatment for your emergency as soon as possible.
So, you do not have to wait to start healing. We
are open to new appointments. Contact Us for more
information, visit Our Website.
5We are a holistic dentist who offers you many
dental treatments in Oshawa. We take great pride
in providing the highest quality dental care, and
with our modern equipment we have achieved an
excellent level of patient satisfaction. Our goal
is to provide each one of our patients with an
individualized treatment plan that will stimulate
improvement in their oral health, resulting in a
healthier environment for you and your family.
6In addition to our wide range of services offered
at Groot Dental we also provide emergency dental
procedures such as root canal therapy which is
necessary when there is severe damage caused by
decay or infection in your tooth root canal
system or if there was trauma caused by trauma or
injury where they need treatment immediately
without waiting until they can get scheduled
appointment time at our office ahead of time
7Contact Us
Our Address 50 Richmond Street, Unit
111 Oshawa, ON Canada Phone (905) 240-1919 and
(905) 240-0240 Email contact_at_grootdental.com
and grootdental_at_gmail.com