Title: Andre Alonzo Chambers Shares 5 Small Business Consulting Tips
1Andre Alonzo Chambers Shares 5 Small Business
Consulting Tips
2Whether youre just starting up or have been at
it awhile, theres probably something youre
struggling with right now marketing, production,
or any other business challenges that crop up
daily. Luckily, Andre Alonzo Chambers has been
there and can help you out.
3Understand the limitations small businesses face
Moving from a corporate career to small business
consulting can be challenging. It will be best if
you are prepared for the limitations of working
in such companies. As Andre Alonzo Chambers
explains, small businesses often have limited
budgets, smaller teams, and many restrictions.
4Interview business owners to learn their goals
To help your clients, you need a working
knowledge of their challenges, goals, and
opportunities. The best way to familiarize
yourself with a new client is to interview their
crucial decision-maker and learn about the
companys fundamentals.
5Identify each clients key decision maker
In some businesses, the most critical decision
maker is neither the CEO nor Managing Director
in smaller companies and departments, it can be a
department head or Purchasing Manager. Andre
suggests its essential to identify the key
decision-maker so you can focus your efforts on
that person.
6Understand how much youre really worth
One of the essential factors in a consulting
business is the pricing structure you choose. Do
you charge clients an hourly fee for your time, a
percentage-based fee for the growth they can
generate, or do you take on fixed monthly
7Create a system to attract new clients
Unfortunately, only some of your clients will
stay with you as your business grows. Some will
explore other consulting options others might
not survive in the competitive small business
environment. That's why Andre Alonzo Chambers
stresses the importance of having a system to
identify and close new clients.
8Thank You