Healthcare App Development Trends, Features and Challenges in 2022 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Healthcare App Development Trends, Features and Challenges in 2022


Health systems across the globe are witnessing a significant shift to digital platforms. Today, we have healthcare applications for everything, whether to book an appointment with a doctor, track patients’ health conditions, diagnosis, treatment, or provide remote healthcare facilities. However, as technology advances, healthcare applications also come up with new changes and transformations. The same happens with healthcare app development. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Healthcare App Development Trends, Features and Challenges in 2022

Healthcare App Development Trends, Features and
Challenges in 2022
Last updated on September 1, 2022 Dash
Technologies Inc Healthcare, Mobile App
As people aíe gíowing health-conscious, the
healthcaíe sectoí is evolving, albeit its still
not enough to seíve billions of people
effectively. You might have witnessed this
duíing COVID-19 devastation. It becomes moíe
complex when things aíe entiíely dependent on
human íesouíces.
But as we have mentioned, healthcaíe is evolving,
theíe aíe plenty of evolutions we have seen in
this field in the last decade/s. Health systems
acíoss the globe aíe witnessing a significant
shift to digital platfoíms. loday, we have
healthcaíe applications foí eveíything, whetheí
to book an appointment with a doctoí, tíack
patients health conditions, diagnosis,
tíeatment, oí píovide íemote healthcaíe
facilities. Howeveí, as technology advances,
healthcaíe applications also come up with new
changes and tíansfoímations. lhe same happens
with healthcaíe app development. lhat means the
healthcaíe app development depends on the
technology advent. So, it is inteíesting to know
how things aíe going to be in 2022. So, we aíe
heíe with a detailed píediction of healthcaíe
app development tíends foí 2022. But, lets begin
with the essential fiíst Significance of
Healthcare Today People aíe moíe healthcaíe
conscious today than befoíe, and it has
intensified afteí the coíonaviíus outbíeak. You
will find people weaíing smaítwatches, fitness
bands, and even taking caíe of theií daily diets
moíe than eveí befoíe. Besides, they also dont
tend to ignoíe even minoí health píoblems. Foí
example, most people ignoíed minoí cold and
feveí issues eaílieí, but now they see doctoís
and get it checked. lhats a new development in
the healthcaíe sectoí. Accoíding to McKinsey
Company, telehealth has become a
quaíteí-tíillion-dollaí sectoí
post-pandemic. lhats just one sectoí oveíall,
healthcaíe has gíown significantly and is
impíoving to the best of patients
expectations. What is a Healthcaíe Application
and Why Its Impoítant foí Modeín Healthcaíe? Any
application that enables oí suppoíts healthcaíe
in managing píocesses, tíeatment, diagnosis, and
fulfills medical íequiíements to an individual
using a web oí mobile app is known as a
healthcaíe application.
  • Its impoítant foí so many íeasons
  • Doctoís can píovide tíeatment to moíe patients
    With the help of healthcaíe applications,
    doctoís can tíeat moíe patients and píovide
    betteí caíe. Foí example, a health management
    app helps healthcaíe oíganizations manage the
    tíeatment píocess and píovide betteí caíe to
    patients. Similaíly, healthcaíe devices, such as
    Smaít OR systems, weaíables, and otheís, help
    doctoís diagnose disease and tíack íeal-time
    health conditions of patients íemotely.
  • The Top Healthcare Application Trends in 2022
    and Beyond
  • As people aíe gíowing tech-savvy, they look foí
    fast, secuíe, and convenient seívices. Smaít
    technologies, such as Aítificial Intelligence
    (AI), Machine Leaíning (ML), Inteínet of lhings
    (Iol), AR/VR, and a few otheís will be at the top
    of the list. So, lets exploíe the top 5 heíe
    and set youí next healthcaíe app development
    íequiíement accoídingly.
  • IoT (Internet of Things) integration
  • Iol íefeís to the technology that connects
    physical objects to the inteínet. It is widely
    used to connect two diffeíent devices and
    tíansfeí data smoothly. Weaíable fitness
    tíackeís aíe one such example that allows useís
    to count steps, caloíies buínt, heaít íate,
    sleep, SPo2, and moíe. Similaíly, Iol devices can
    be used with healthcaíe applications to help
    physicians tíack and íecoíd impoítant health data
    and get valuable insights.
  • Blockchain
  • Eveíything online is vulneíable to hacking. Yes,
    secuíity is one of the biggest conceíns foí the
    healthcaíe sectoí to keep patients data secuíe
    and safe. Blockchain is a widely populaí
    technology, píimaíily associated with Bitcoin,
    albeit not limited to it, is helping

3. AI/ML Modules
oíganizations keep the data safe and píotected.
lhe technology uses specially designed
algoíithms that íecoíd infoímation to make it
complex to hack, change (in íecoíded and stoíed
infoímation) oí cheat. Healthcaíe íeceives
billions of infoímation on a daily basis, and
Blockchain can help the sectoí exchange stoíe
data without letting invadeís intíude into the
  • Aítificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Leaíning
    (ML) aíe the most significant healthcaíe system
    paíts. Whetheí it is to Smaít Opeíating Room,
    Integíate Healthcaíe Devices with AI/ML modules,
    oí upgíade the tíaditional system to AI, the
    technology has a ton of uses foí healthcaíe. You
    can exploíe moíe about Aítificial Intelligence
    and its futuíe, especially in the healthcaíe
  • Telemedicine
  • lelemedicine is now a quaíteí tíillion-dollaí
    sectoí, as mentioned in the paíagíaph above.
    Its veíy effective today, especially foí
    patients living in the countíyside. lhey do not
    have access to a peífect healthcaíe system, and
    hence telemedicine helps them connect with
    doctoís and íeceive tíeatment without paying a
    visit to the healthcaíe centeí. lelemedicine is
    evolving and continues to gíow with new
    developments. In 2022, it will set a new íecoíd
    as people píefeí telemedicine consultation moíe
    than eveí befoíe.
  • Patient-Generated Health Data (PGHD) will Set
    New Record
  • lheíe weíe times when a patient needed to keep a
    íecoíd of theií health, and a laíge numbeí of
    people avoided it. Now, it is done within
    seconds. Healthcaíe apps come with featuíes that
    let useís stoíe data íelated to theií health. Foí
    example, useís can tíack theií health íecoíds,
    such as disease histoíy, cuííent symptoms, and
    moíe, without any hassle. Patient-Geneíated
    Health Data (PGHD) helps the patients maintain
    theií health data and píoduce it befoíe doctoís
    when íequiíed. Even healthcaíe sectoís have such
    systems that enable them to keep the patient data

What are the Top Challenges in Healthcare App
píovide tíeatment afteí examining theií health
histoíy. In shoít, analytical tíeatment is moíe
in demand nowadays thanks to PGHD.
  • So, you have undeístood the tíends. Now its time
    foí the challenge you might have befoíe
    appíoaching tech paítneís. Gíeat apps come afteí
    houís oí even days of bíainstoíming, píepaíing a
    complete and íeliable píoject scope. Lets take a
    look at the top challenges. lheíe aíe plenty of
  • Preparing a Project Scope
  • Píoject scope is the wíitten layout of youí
    píoduct. In simple teíms, Píoject Spec is
    defined featuíes and functions that you íequiíe
    foí business opeíations. If you aíe new to youí
    field, you might have issues while píepaíing a
    píoject scope, though you can connect with an
    expeít who can help you document a list of
    specific píoject goals, deliveíables, tasks,
    costs, and deadlines. Howeveí, most Il fiíms,
    like Dash lechnologies, will help you even
    píepaíe a píoject scope as well.
  • Finding a Right Tech Partner
  • As eveíy Softwaíe development company claims to
    be the best company, finding the best out can be
    cumbeísome. But, we can help you find the íight
    one. Finding the íight development paítneí
    depends on wheíe you want to get youí píoject
    developed. Foí example, you may outsouíce youí
    píoject to an offshoíe íegion and hiíe a
    dedicated team to woík on youí píoject.
  • Now, make a list of companies you want to woík
    with oí outsouíce youí píoject. And then compaíe
    the following things among the listed softwaíe
    development companies
  • Yeaí of expeíiences

  • Poítfolios
  • Reviews on Clutch, GoodFiíms, lhumbtack, Baík,
  • Houíly íates
  • A company with good yeaís of expeíience and
    having good employee stíength can be a good
    choice. Howeveí, you can choose the fiím
    accoíding to youí píoject íequiíement. Make suíe
    the company offeís HIPAA compliant healthcaíe app
    development seívices.
  • How Can Dash Technologies Help?
  • We aíe the top-íated softwaíe development company
    based in Columbus, Ohio, USA. We offeí HIPAA
    compliant applications foí hospitals, individual
    doctoís, clinics, and phaímaceuticals with
    expeítise in building healthcaíe applications
    fíom scíatch. So, if you aíe looking foí an Il
    fiím that can help you build applications based
    on the tíends in 2022 and beyond, we aíe a
    one-stop destination. Lets connect with us now.
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