ARTICLE by Nicole Martins Ferreira 23 Mar, 2022
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Your ?rst business is going to take everything
youve got to make it a success. Youll need
your best idea, a strong work ethic, and
perseverance for those days where things just
dont go your way. But that combo can help you
turn your simple idea into an empire. In this
article, were going to share 10 business tips
thatll help you launch a successful ?rst
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- 1 10 Business Tips for New Entrepreneurs in 2021
- Build like the Romans
- Choose the right niche
- Solve a burning problem 4.Obsess over customer
needs - Focus on pro?t instead of revenue
- Start with a narrow focus ?rst and expand
- Focus on employee morale
- Start a business that matches your personality
- Always be aware of your competitors moves
Start your free trial 10 Business Tips for
New Entrepreneurs in 2021 1. Build like the
Romans The Colosseum is 1949 years old. And for
the most part its still fairly intact. The
material it was built with was stronger than any
concrete we use today. Its beauty is so
captivating that millions have ?ocked to Italy
just to look at it in all its glory. The Romans
used the best materials, purchased rare marble
from other countries, and designed things that
were built to last. But when it comes to
building a business, there are many entrepreneurs
who build for the short-term. They look at a
business as a way to make an extra couple
thousand bucks. Instead, they should be building
something thatll last for years to come. One of
the oldest businesses in the world is based in
Japan. Kongo Gumi, a construction company
specializing in Buddhist temples, was ?rst
launched in 578 AD, making it 1441 years old!
Prior to a merger, it had a 70 million annual
budget. Focus on building a business with a
legacy by
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2Romans, you should focus on high-quality products
and like the Japanese you should have a
well-de?ned niche.
2. Choose the right niche The selection of the
niche is where people o??en realize theyve made
a mistake. If you go too broad with a general
business, you might struggle to know who your
audience is. If youre too speci?c with a barre
class socks store, you might ?nd your niche is
too narrow. Not only that but theres also a
seasonality aspect. For example, if youre
obsessed with Christmas, you could build a
Christmas business but you might struggle to ?nd
customers for your products in February. Another
business tip to consider is whether youll be
able to remarket to customers for years to come.
For example, if youre selling maternity
clothing, women are only pregnant for nine
months. A??er she gives birth, she likely wont
be shopping on that store anymore. So when it
comes to deciding on a niche, choose a niche
thats popular year round (Google Trends can
show you how stable a niche is). Youll also want
to choose a niche thats popular such as at
least hundreds of thousands of monthly searches
like fashion, beauty, ?tness, or home decor. And
?nally, a niche that isnt short-term so avoid
maternity, weddings, or any niche business you
wont be able to build a long-term email list
with. Try some unusual business ideas instead!
33. Solve a burning problem An important business
tip for new entrepreneurs is to create a business
that solves a problem. If you asked most failed
business owners what problem they solved, they
either cant answer or the problem they solved
wasnt urgent enough. The problem you solve
doesnt need to be complicated like curing a
disease. It can be simple, such as we help people
overcome boredom by providing an entertaining
experience. But ultimately, you need to know
what youre trying to accomplish with your
business. By knowing what burning problem youre
solving, you can use that in your marketing to
help people understand how you can help them
best. For example, if you sell anti- snoring
products, youll want your ad to show the
frustration a snorer can have on a persons
sleep. And then showcase your product as the
handy solution thatll allow them to sleep
through the night again.
4- Obsess over customer needs
- One of the biggest sources of con?ict in business
comes from unmet needs. If a customer doesnt
get the service or product they were expecting,
their needs wont be met, and theyll feel
frustrated. The most important business tip when
it comes to managing customer relations is to
always empathize with the customer. When you
recognize their frustration as pain from not
having their needs met, its easier not to take
the insults they hurl at you, personally.
Instead, you can focus on trying to listen to
what they say by mirroring the intent behind
their words. And eventually, you work on coming
to a resolution that meets their needs and leaves
your customer feeling heard. By doing this
instead of simply giving a refund, you open the
doors to building a long-term relationship with
them even if they were upset with their ?rst
experience with your brand. To learn more about
how to do this, you can read Nonviolent
Communication A Language of Life by Marshall B.
Rosenberg, PhD. - Focus on pro?t instead of revenue
- Most entrepreneurs are obsessed with revenue. I
made 900,000 in eight months, they claim. And
you cant help but ask, Did you really though?
Because digging deeper, youll o??en ?nd that
pro?t is much more important than revenue. Sure
you made 900,000 in revenue but if your pro?t
a??er eight months is only 10,000 was it really
worth the work? And is that even sustainable?
Probably not. Make the switch to transition from
thinking about revenue to thinking about pro?t.
The more pro?t you have, the more money
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5- you have to reinvest in your business, employees,
and your own success. As an entrepreneur, you
get paid last. Your startup costs need to be paid
?rst. So youll want to make sure youre making
more than enough money to treat yourself too.
Check out Shopify's free Pro?t Margin Calculator
to help you earn a pro?t. - Start with a narrow focus ?rst and expand
- Amazon didnt start as the everything store. It
started as a simple bookstore. And they slowly
expanded into toys and other products as time
went on to expand their business. Thats how you
build a general business. One of the most
important business tips is to always start with a
narrow focus and expand into relevant verticals
as you scale. By having a narrow focus, you can
build a loyal audience who knows what to expect
from you. It also gives you a well-de?ned
audience to make your marketing easier. For
example, you can start a womens fashion store.
At ?rst maybe you sell apparel. But eventually
you can expand into shoes, jewelry, fashion
accessories, or beauty. Or you can go in a
di??erent direction and expand into mens fashion
and childrens fashion. Both types of online
stores make sense and have natural vertical
complements. Additionally, you can test out
one-product store ideas before opening a bigger
website. But ?rst, you do should aim to have a
big audience and loyal shoppers. You need to know
that therell be demand for the verticals you do
eventually expand into. - Focus on employee morale
- The best boss Ive ever had once told me that her
secret to building a productive team centered
around making her employees happy. And it was
true. We celebrated something all the time. On my
last day, I literally cried because I didnt
want to leave. I only le?? because I knew I had
to step out of my part-time university job and
gain more impactful marketing experience. I
worked in that role eight years ago and still
stay in touch with all my coworkers to this day.
Thats how long-lasting the impact of employee
morale is. Unfortunately, its o??en the one
thing entrepreneurs fail to focus on. Most ?rst
time entrepreneurs try to act like a boss. And
literally no employee wants one of those. Your
employees want to feel appreciated, heard, and
know that theyre on the right track. If you ?nd
yourself constantly criticizing people for not
doing it your way, youll o??en ?nd that team
performance will drop. The most important
business tip when it comes to managing employees
is to make them happy. Because if you do that,
theyll be more willing to help you hit your
companys goals.
6- Start a business that matches your personality
- According to serial entrepreneur Naval Ravikant,
he believes that product/market ?t should
actually be founder/product/market ?t.
Essentially, what that means is no one else could
run that business be??er than you. Ideally, you
should start a business that matches your exact
skills, experiences, and personality. This goes
beyond doing your passion and actually doing
what youre destined to do. How can you
contribute meaningfully to the world through
your business? By doing something that only you
can do, you can create a legacy that lasts while
making an impact in the world. To sum up this
business tip start the business only you can
start. - Always be aware of your competitors moves
- Business can be cut-throat. Your competitors will
always try to knock you down so that they can
remain at the top. While you dont want to obsess
over your competitors you do always want to be
aware of what theyre doing so you can stay
ahead of the game. Which products and services do
they o??er? How do they market their brand? How
do they price their products and services? How
do they treat their customers? You need to ?nd
out every li??le detail in the early stages so
that you know how to compete. If you ?nd they
o??er a great product but terrible customer
support, you can put a bigger emphasis on
customer relations. The goal is to ?nd out what
their overarching weaknesses are and make those
are your strength while still having a great
collection of services and products for your
customers. But remember, dont obsess too much
over the day to day of your competitors. Your
obsession should center around your customers and
employees. Make those two groups happy and
youre golden.
710. Just do it (even if it isnt perfect) The
last business tip for new entrepreneurs comes
from Nike, just do it. And I dont just mean
starting it. I mean get out of your head, stop
overthinking, stop questioning whether youre
making the right call, and just do it. New
entrepreneurs can sometimes be well on their way
with their business only to have their thoughts
cloud their mind. But that only delays your
success. Will you make mistakes? You bet. Will
there be challenges? Yup, and youll need to
jump high to get over them. But isnt this what
you signed up for? Entrepreneurship is about
going all in. Its about taking big risks so you
can live the life you want. The goal isnt to win
the award of perfection. The goal is to build a
business that helps people solve a problem. And
the sooner you can do that, the sooner you can
make peoples lives be??er. Thats the impact
your business can have on someones life. So the
sooner you launch it, the more people you can
help. Click here for the best Business Bundle. 8
Business People Share their Best Business Tips
8The best business tip for new entrepreneurs is
to incorporate or form an LLC for your startup.
Incorporating your business provides it with
liability protection, which creates a separation
between personal and professional assets. It
also helps establish credibility with consumers
and incorporating as certain entity types, like
LLCs, may even provide you extra tax savings.
Deborah Sweeney, CEO, MyCorporation.com
The best business tip for new entrepreneurs is
to never quit. Thousands of businesses fail
every year because their founders throw in the
towel too soon. You have to push through the
steep learning curve the insane hours, the
mistakes, the failures, and the uncertainty that
comes with starting any business. There are no
overnight successes its a myth. It usually
takes years to become truly successful in your
business, but as long as you dont quit, it will
eventually happen. Hang in there! J.P. Pesare,
CEO, Kinetic Bridge
9The best business tip for the new entrepreneur
is just start. The time will never be perfect.
You will make more mistakes than you can
anticipate. But in the end, the most successful
entrepreneurs are the ones willing to start and
learn along the way. Rocco Cozza, Esq.,
Founding A??orney, Law O??ce of Rocco E. Cozza
The best business tip for new entrepreneurs
considering taking the leap is that if you truly
believe in your idea, give up excuses and doubt,
surround yourself by a trusted and talented
team, bulldoze forward and DONT. LOOK. BACK.
because if you give it your all, you can mark my
words it will be the journey of a lifetime.
Lori Cheek, Founder/CEO, Cheekd
The best business tip for new entrepreneurs is
to get as much PR as possible when you start
your company. No one can buy your products or
services if they dont know you exist. And no one
is going to do it for you so do it yourself.
Spend as much time as possible and get the word
out through every channel you can. Even if you
have a PR company you need to help them with
your social channels and email lists. Sales are
easily the most di??cult things to get for new
businesses so the more people that know about
you and your company the be??er. Ben Walker,
CEO, Transcription Outsourcing, LLC
10The best business tip for new entrepreneurs is
to create a system for your business. Therefore,
when you are able to start hiring individuals,
there is already a tried system in place for
them to follow. Jaque??a T Ragland, Owner,
Young and Finance
The best business tip for new entrepreneurs is
to learn all facets of your business. For
example, if you are starting a SaaS company
youll need to
11know how to market the product, how to code, how
to design a converting landing and various other
things. You need to sit down and ?gure out
exactly what your business will need and become
moderately educated in them. While, you do not
need to be at an expert level you should
understand the processes enough to hire, or
outsource the work without ge??ing taken
advantage of. Shawn Pour, Cofounder, Sell Max
The best business tip for new entrepreneurs
(especially if youre a small business owner or
solopreneur with limited resources) is to ?nd one
or two reliable marketing channels and focus on
those, instead of ge??ing distracted by every
single possible channel for ge??ing the word out
about your business. For my small business, once
I pinpointed Google as a source of quality
leads, I started to focus more heavily on
improving my visibility in search, which in turn
helped generate more quality leads. Although this
means pu??ing o?? other aspects of my marketing
(at least in the short term), it lets me
hyperfocus and be more productive instead of
spreading myself too thin trying to be
everywhere at once. Chloe Bri??ain, Owner,
Opal Transcription Services
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Conclusion These business tips are only a guide
as you start your entrepreneurial journey.
Ultimately, your business is what you make of it.
If you want it to be a success, youve got to
get your business in front of as many people as
possible. If you solve a burning problem, itll
be easier for your business brand awareness to
spread. Youll need to focus on making your
employees happy and ful?lling the needs of your
customers to ensure your business is built to
last as long as Kongo Gumi. Youll face
challenges along the way, but as long as your
willing to persevere, theres nothing stopping
you from building a business that lasts a
lifetime (or longer). Whats the best business
advice youve ever received? Want to Learn
More? 35 Small Business Ideas Thatll Make You
Money in 2021 Small Business Statistics Every
Future Entrepreneur Should Know in 2021
1250 Ecommerce Tips for New Entrepreneurs 16
Dropshipping Tips for New Entrepreneurs
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Name Sort by Best ? ? Steven Kenneth 3 years
ago Great points listed here. Thanks! 1 ? ?
Reply Share Oberlo Mod gt Steven Kenneth
3 years ago Glad you liked this article. Thank
you for sharing your feedback. ? Kitana ? ?
Reply Share ajay kumar 3 years ago I have
started shopify general store before 3 months now
i have got a sell because my 2 facebook account
disable . Now i am feeling very bad what I do_now
I have spent 200 in my store .
see more
1 ? ? Reply Share Oberlo Mod gt ajay
kumar 3 years ago Hi there! I'm sorry to hear
you've been having some trouble with your
Facebook account. It can be a challenge
sometimes once an account gets disabled. The fix
for this is to contact your internet service
provider to change your IP address (or if you
have the knowhow, you can do it yourself). When
accounts on Facebook continuously get banned
even though you may not be violating the terms of
service, it's because the IP address has been
flagged. I hope that helps you, don't give up!
?B Jasper
see more
? ? Reply Share ajay kumar gt Oberlo 3
years ago edited Tnx a lot telling me this idea
could I know after changing my ip address I will
have to use same account or other account . And
will I change the website name also . Could you
describe step by step please . Will I have to
change my laptop ip address also?
13see more ? ? Reply Share Sandywich 4
months ago I would like to post this article and
paraphrase it for my Community College
Entrepreneurship club. I will add the citation.
Is this okay? I would love for the students to
see this and apply this awesome tips in their
entrepreneurship journey.
see more
? ? Reply Share Vitty Sparks 7 months
ago Informative walkthrough on the 10 tips to
start a business in 2022. I would also recommend
the budding entrepreneurs to follow these tips to
build a strong service business in the
market. Thanks for sharing, Vitty from Uplogic
see more
? ? Reply Share Steven Kenneth 2 years
ago Fantastic tips shared here. Thanks for
sharing! ? ? Reply Share Oberlo Mod gt
Steven Kenneth 2 years ago Thanks, Steven! ?B
Jasper ? ? Reply Share Clement Manda 3
years ago Thanks Nicole for sharing, I can use
some of the insights to establish my newly
established store. ? ? Reply Share ?
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