Title: Could You Be Overdoing Your Oral Hygiene Routine
2It is always nice to see patients being
proactive about their oral health.
3You can look forward to easier dental checkups
and cleanings when you brush your teeth
4Flossing also helps to prevent you from needing
more intensive gum disease treatments.
5Yet, there can also be too much of
a good thing when it comes to trying to take
care of your teeth.
6We recommend following these strategies to make
sure that you do not do more harm than good with
your oral hygiene routine.
7Be Gentle With Your Gum Care
8Your gums are one of the most vulnerable areas
of your mouth.
9The areas where your gums meet your teeth are
prone to infection if biofilm is not removed
10Flossing is one way to get these areas clean,
but you can also hurt your gums by doing this
too hard.
11Never pop the floss between your teeth. This can
lead to painful cuts.
12Instead, gently move the string between your
teeth using an up and down motion.
13Watch Out For Signs of Aggressive Toothbrushing
14People also tend to brush their teeth too hard.
15As long as you brush your teeth 2 to 3 times a
day, you should not have enough plaque build up
to require scrubbing.
16In fact, your dental hygienist can remove any
hardened plaque using safe techniques in our
office during your routine cleanings.
17Aggressive toothbrushing can cause teeth
sensitivity and enamel erosion.
18Be sure to mention these issues to us during
your visits so that we can look for damage
caused by improper brushing.
19Beware the Dangers of Using Too Much Mouthwash
20Fresh breath gives you confidence in social
21You may also use mouthwash
to address oral health issues such as frequent
cavities or gum disease.
22However, some mouthwashes can dry out your mouth
if you use them too much.
23Ones that contain fluoride or hydrogen peroxide
can also cause damage if you use them too
24As a general rule, you should only use mouthwash
once a day, and check with us to find one that
is safe.
25Minimize Home Whitening Treatments
26Similar to fresh breath, white teeth are
considered to be a sign of health and beauty.
27However, there can also be too much of a good
thing when it comes
to whitening treatments.
28Using whitening toothpaste, mouth rinses and
trays together
on a daily basis can lead to gingivitis and
enamel erosion.
29Instead, get professional treatments done in our
30You can also ask us which products are best to
use at home. This way, you can leave the others
out of your hygiene routine.
31Ask Your Dentist to Check Your Technique
32The best way to know if you are doing your oral
hygiene routine properly is to ask for a
professional assessment at your checkup.
33While it might feel a little strange to brush or
floss while we watch,
the truth is that we only want to help.
34Often, just a simple change, such as holding
your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, is all it
takes to make your efforts safer and more
35We can also show you ways to floss your teeth
that are easier.
36For instance, you might be more comfortable
using a floss pick or holder.
37Your dedication to keeping your mouth clean
plays a huge role in your overall oral health.
38While we applaud you being proactive, we also
want to make sure that you are careful not to go
39Choose a soft toothbrush, use gentle motions and
be careful how you floss.
40Soon, you will see the benefits
of learning how to care for your teeth properly
such as reduced sensitivity.
41Noble Dental Care is a family oriented dental
care clinic with dentists that care about you
and your health.
42Give us the opportunity to give you the smile of
your dreams.
Call us for an appointment at (480) 820-3515.
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