Title: Timothy Terrentine - A Visionary and Determined Leader
1Timothy Terrentine
Former Vice President of Development and Alumni
Relations at Western Michigan University
2(No Transcript)
3Timothy Terrentine earned both a master's and a
bachelor's degree from Western Michigan
University. He received an Executive Coaching
Certification from the Weatherhead School of
Management at Case Western Reserve University.
4Beginning in February 2013, Tim Terrentine served
as the Kalamazoo Regional Chamber of Commerce
president. In 2015, he gave a speech titled The
Tug-of-War in Leadership.
5Timothy Terrentine served on the founding board
of Kalamazoo County Ready 4S from March 2010
until December 2013.
6The committee has developed the early care and
education initiative known as KC Ready 4S. The
Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy and Action in
the Community (ISAAC) in the fall of 2008
catalyzed the group's activity. The suggested
approach is supported by research showing the
advantages of high-quality early education and
care for children, community savings, and
regional economic growth.
7Preschool and childcare providers, community
foundations, educational leaders, teachers,
students, families, and business representatives
are some of the initiative's organizers.
8Timothy Terrentine is a skilled marketer,
publicist, and fundraiser with the capacity to
connect with people from many different
backgrounds and cultures.
Find out more about him at his official site