Title: How does Cloud Computing Work?
1How Does Cloud Computing Work?
- Cloud computing means accessing and stoíing the
data on íemote seíveís emceed on the inteínet
instead of the local seíveí oí computeís haíd
díive. Cloud computing also peítains to
Inteínet-based computing. Cloud Computing
Aíchitectuíe Cloud computing aíchitectuíe
peítains to the components and sub-components
íequiíed foí cloud computing. lhese components
typically íefeí to - Fíont end(fat client, thin client)
- Back-end platfoíms(seíveís, stoíage)
- Cloud-based deliveíy and a netwoík(Inteínet,
Intíanet, Inteícloud). - You can also íead best data science course in
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Working principle of cloud computing
Cloud Computing is an inspiíed softwaíe
application. It saves the data on íemote seíveís
located aíound the globe. lhe useí can access
these data fíom any section of the globe by
having a static inteínet connection. Cloud is
usually a decentíalized location foí distíibuting
infoímation with the help of aítificial
satellites. Eveíy cloud application includes a
host, and its hosting company is accountable foí
maintaining gigantic data centeís. lhese
companies take up the accountability of
píoviding stoíage capacity, secuíity, and
computing poweí which is
2- the main component íequiíed to keep all details.
lhe utilizeís might deliveí this infoímation to
Cloud oí collect it fíom the Cloud. - In the modeín-day woíld, the most íeliable
companies hosting the Cloud aíe as follows - Apples iCloud
- Google Cloud Computing
- Micíosoft Azuíe
- Amazon Web Seívices
- Aside fíom them, theíe aíe also some big and
small competitoís in the maíket. Hosting
Companies can sell the íights to use theií cloud
seívices. It also gives the end-useí an
enviíonment to communicate between devices and
píogíams. Foí example, Downloading the song on
devices oí watching videos on Youlube. - Many cloud vendoís in the maíket píovide Fíee
Stoíage space. Cloud is a betteí place to stoíe
infoímation than exteínal haíd disks, floppy
disks, pen díives, etc. - You can also íead best data science course Pune
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assurance - Heíe is an example of some populaí cloud stoíage
píovideís and they aíe - DíopBox
- Mega Cloud Stoíage