Title: Liquid Hand Soap: A Natural Cleansing Agent
1Liquid Hand SoapĀ A Natural Cleansing Agent
2Liquid Hand Soap
Grease, alkaline, and water interact naturally to
produce liquid hand soap. It was created as a
byproduct of ash, water, animal or vegetable
oils, and ash roughly 5,000 years ago. Ancient
peoples soon discovered that these suds of soap
could be used to clean their skin as well as wash
wool and cotton for making textiles.
3Liquid Hand Soap" Lavender Almond Scent WBM Care
Strong components that clean, moisturise, and
soothe skin without drying it are found in the
natural liquid hand soap created with lavender
and almond extract. The best hand soap not only
removes dirt from the skin but also rapidly
destroys bacteria. so that you can be as
disease-protected as possible. It is safe for
routine use by the entire family because it does
not include triclosan, sulphate, formaldehyde,
salicylate, parabens, or petroleum compounds.
Skin is thoroughly purified with pink Himalayan