Title: Ways to teach toddlers about Diversity
1 Ways to teach toddlers about Diversity
2 About Us
Diversity in Toys is a well-known online toy shop
where you can order multiple toys in just one
single click and the toy will be at your
doorstep. Our main aim is to make children aware
of society, enable them to know about themselves
as positive members of society by playing with
them, and get them available at a single
3 Our Approach
We consult with licensed child psychologists,
physical/occupational therapists, teachers,
master librarians, and more to ensure your child
gets the most appropriate and best custom
selection of toys. We make every effort to
source eco-friendly products whenever possible.
We strive to support minority owned businesses
and products made in the USA.
4 Ways to teach toddlers about Diversity
- Buy toys that promote diversity
- Serve Ethnic Foods
- Travel to different Places
- Attend a cultural festival
- Learn a foreign language
5Contact Information
Phone - 1 888-369-8697 Business Email -
diversityintoys_at_gmail.com Address - New York, NY
10021 Website - https//diversityintoys.com/