Title: Twin Pregnancy: 7 Facts & Myths You Should Know
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2Twin Pregnancy 7 Facts Myths You Should Know
The ultrasound scans, during your pregnancy, will
tell you whether one baby or twins are on the
way. When you know that youre pregnant with
twins, you feel on cloud nine. Indeed, a twin
pregnancy is a double blessing. You must also
have heard about twin pregnancy risks and
superstitions. Besides, read on to find out the
facts about what is going on inside you, in your
day-to-day life, before your twins arrive.
3Myth 1 Twin Pregnancy is a Rare Thing
The Fact is Twin pregnancies are more common
than you can imagine. According to the reports of
the CDC around 33 out of 1000 twin babies are
born in the US. But, according to the reports of
the National Center for Health Statistics, since
1980, the birth rates of twins have gone up to
70. Having said that, it has been researched and
found that, 1 in 250 pregnancies can be twin
pregnancies. In fact, age, previous pregnancy,
heredity, ovulation stimulating medicines, In
vitro fertilisation are some of the causes of
twin pregnancies.
4Myth 2 Identical Twins Run In Family History
The Fact is If your sister had a pair of twins,
that does not mean you will follow suit. Visit
your healthcare provider within 10 to 12 weeks of
your pregnancy for an ultrasound scan. This is
the best time for your healthcare provider to
find out about the placentas, amniotic sacs, and
of course the type of twins youre carrying in
your womb. You can be pregnant with two types of
Fraternal Twins
Identical Twins
Occur when a fertilized egg divides into two and
gives rise to two foetuses. These twins may
either share the same placenta and amniotic sac
or the same placenta and separate amniotic sac.
Occur when two different sperms fertilise two
separate eggs. Each twin has a separate placenta
and amniotic sac. In this case, you can expect
twin girls, boys or a boy and girl.
5Myth 3 Ultrasound Exam is the Only Way to Find
Out That Youre Pregnant With Twins
- The Fact is Well! Yes! Your doctor wont be able
to say you have twins, till such time that you
undergo an ultrasound scan in your first
trimester. But, your doctor might also take other
twin pregnancy tests to find out that youre
carrying twins - Take you through a few blood tests during your
pregnancy. - Take a pregnancy hormone test (As the human
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). - Take a doppler test (which will check the foetal
heartbeat). - In fact experts will be able to identify twins by
hearing the foetal heartbeats.
6Myth 4 No Feeling of Morning Sickness
The Fact is Well! Morning sickness is an early
sign of pregnancy. Due to the soaring human
chorionic gonadotropin hormones (hCG), the
morning sickness may be worse between 9 to 10
weeks of your pregnancy. However, if youre
pregnant with twins, severe morning sickness can
be one of the signs of twin pregnancy.
Myth 5 You Will Gain Double Weight During Twin
- The Fact is The amount of weight you gain during
your pregnancy, is essential not just for your
health, but also for the health of your baby in
your womb. According to a study, you can gain - 6 kg, or 13 1b, at 28 weeks.
- lt7 kg or 1b, at 32 weeks.
- lt8 kg, or 18 1b, at 36 weeks of gestation.
- Were sure that doesnt mean gaining double
weight while youre carrying twins.
7Myth 6 You Might Be Eating For Three
The Fact is Its not about eating for three.
Its about making a healthy choice. After all,
calorie intake is essential to help you and your
baby be healthy during pregnancy. That said,
according to your healthcare provider, you should
get 300 calories for each baby in your first
trimester, 340 in the second, and 452 in the
8Myth 7 Twin Pregnancy Delivery is Possible Only
Through an Emergency CSection
The Fact is While youre carrying twins in your
womb, it may seem an emergency C section is the
only option available. But thats far from truth.
You can also deliver your twins naturally or
vaginally depending on your health and the way
your babys developing. You might face
challenges with twin pregnancies, but after all
the hardship, when you hold the cutest twins in
your arms, your happiness knows no bounds. In
fact, this is the blessing and gift that youre
worth. But, just getting gifted with twins is not
enough, do everything to take care of the babies.
While thinking of taking care of your little
twins dont forget to bank your twin babies stem
cells after birth.
Do you have any questions? You can find us at
info_at_cordlifeindia.com Toll Free Number 1800 121
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Source https//www.cordlifeindia.com/blog/twin-pr