Title: Oil
Key Quality Traits Of
And HOW These Can Be Improved ?
- Scientific name Brassica napus.
- Winter crop, Annual plant
- Grows up to 1.5 m and has highly branched stem
with long lobed leaves. - Fruit( silique)-15 to 40 small round seeds
(Yellow/black). - Seeds contain 40 of oil ( used for edible oil,
lubricants and soaps). - Best for crop rotation with cereals...
3Economic Importance
- Second most important oil seed crop in the world.
- Vegetable oil for human consumption
- Protien rich meal used for animal feed
- Biodiesel
Growth stage of Canola
Fig www.dekalbasgrowdeltapine.com
4Trade and Consumer quality
- Seed quality
- Tolerance of cold climate in winter and early
spring - Immune to disease
- Non lodging (stem displacement)
- Holding of seed
- Affordability
- Low in saturated fatty acid high in unsaturated
fatty acid - Good source of omega 3,6,9
- Contains Vitamin E (antioxidant)
B. Habekottee. 1997. Evaluation of seed yield
determining factors of winter oil seed rape (
Brassica napus) by means of crop growth
modelling. Field crop research
5Quality Standards
Fatty acid composition of canola oil ,CODEX . CXS
210 - 1999
Fatty acid Rapeseed oil Rapeseed oil (low Erucic Acid)
C100 ND ND
C120 ND ND
C140 ND0.2 ND0.2
C160 1.5-6.0 2.5-7.0
C180 0.5-3.1 0.8-3.0
C181 8.0-60.0 51.0-70.0
C182 11.0-23.0 15.0-30.0
C200 ND3.0 0.2-1.2
C201 3.0-15.0 0.1-4.3
C220 ND2.0 ND0.6
C221 gt2.0-60.0 ND2.0
C222 ND-2.0 ND-0.1
6- Colour, odour and taste free from RANCIDITY
- Crismer value for low erucic acid rape seed oil
67-70 - Concentration of brassica sterol must be more
than 5 of total starch in low erucic acid
rapeseed oil - Saponification value (mg KOH/gm of oil)
- Rapeseed oil 168 to 181
- Low erucic acid oil seed rape 182 to 193
- Total sterol (mg/Kg) 4500 to 11300
7Glyphosate Tolerance
- FAO identifier name MON 88302-9
- Contain CP4 EPSPS protein- factor provide
resistance to glyphosate based herbicide - Tolerance achieved by the expression of 5-
enolpyruvyl-3-shikimatephosphate synthase enzyme. - Enzyme EPSPS is derived from Agrobacterium sp.
strain CP4
Food Safety and Quality OECD Unique Identifier
8Re-establishment of fertility Glufosinate
- FAO identifier name ACS BN003-6
- Production of Hybrid seed MS8 x RF3
- MS8 species name
- contain barnase genes , which press out
in tapetum of cells during anther
occurrence, causing production of sterile
pollengrains. - contain bar genes, codes for PAT(
Phospinothricin acetyl transferace)- selectable
marker for resistance to herbicide contains
glufosinate. - RF3 species name
- contain barstar gene impede barnase
protein in tapetum and restore fertility - MS8 x RF3 fertile and glufosinate resistant
9Protein Rich Rapeseed Meal (RSM)
- Increasing? Protein quality and quantity
- Decreasing? levels of anti-nutritional compounds(
Eg fibre and glucosinolates) - Taste and appearance of RSM is affected by
indigestible fibre in seed coat
Article by Katarzyna Gacek et al QTL Genetic
Mapping Study for Traits Affecting Meal Quality
in Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.)
10Gene cross to attain high quality oil seed rape.
- Crossing of two DH lines (double haploid)
- H2-26(black
seed) x Z-144(yellow seed) - Subjected to In vitro Androgenesis (pollens
forced towards embryogenic route) - Resulting 44 DH line population- experimented in
two season - Shows high DH
line variability than parental lines. - Choosing suitable parents for crossing ? decrease
negative correlation between protein and fat - Gets reduced fibre and increased protein and fat
content in oil seed rape
Genetic variability in a population of oil seed
rape DH lines developed from F1 hybrid of cross
between black and yellow DH lines. II Seed
quality Article Laurencja szala et al.
11Manual Harvesting And Combined Harvesting
- From experiment done in china with Brassica napus
from 2009 2011 - Manual sowing / Combined harvesting ? 1 1.6
- Manual sowing / Manual harvesting ? 1 1.2
- More Labour cost. 70 more than that of MS/CH ?
Low profit
Journal of integrative agriculture. Volume II
12Plant density and Foliar Fertilization
- Concentration of total nitrogen fat depended on
Plant density and Foliar fertilization - Foliar fertilization ? Mg, S, B and Asahi growth
stimulant NPK fertilization - Higher yield attained by double application of
MgSO49(VI), microelement fertilizer(soluber) and
Asahi bio stimulent.
J.Elemental. 2011 , 16(1) Values of quality of
oil seed rape depending on fertilization and
plant density
13Sowing Date And Rate Of Sowing
- Experiment done in 2008 to 2010 Zlotniki
experiment station. - Four sowing date(Aug 14,25, Sep 04, 25) Four
sowing rate(30,40,50,60 seed / m square) - Three oil seedrape variety
- Semi dwarf hybrid PR45D03
- Hybrid PR46W31
- Californium
- August 25 - optimal for yielding.
- Early and delayed sowing ? less yield
- Delay in sowing date and wrong weather
- affects glucosinate content and decrease
oil content
Karolina et al. Plant production science. Page
Karolina et al. Plant production science
14Temperature change affects Crop yield
- Variation in Winter oil seed rape (WOSR) yield is
directly linked to the temperature of early
winter - 1 degree rise in mean temperature cause losing of
113 (- 21) Kg Ha-1) - WOSR cultivation should done by knowing the
proper weather condition
Article James K M Brown et al. Yield
instability of winter oilseed rape modulated by
early winter temperature
- Light absorption
- Light distribution in green Canopy
- Canopy photo synthesis
- Leaf area growth acceleration? Done in Lin tul
BRASNAP (model of WOSR) by increasing intake into
leaves - Delaying of flowering to attain enough leaf size?
Done by reducing temperature governed rate of
15- Increasing light passing through flower layer by
small petals or apetalous flower? Done by
reducing area per flower - Delay maturity to absorb maximum light in growth
? Done by reducing temperature governed response
rate of development after the flowering - Increasing canopy photosynthesis? Done by more
erect pods and change of crowding of pods - Extending seed filling period(SFP)?Done by
keeping Critical period and Flowering period at
constant or changing the duration.
B Habekotte. Options for increasing seed yield
of winter oilseed rape( Brassica napus) A
simulation study.