Title: Timothy Terrentine - A Results-driven Competitor From Michigan
1Timothy Terrentine
Former Vice President of Development and Alumni
Relations at Western Michigan University
2(No Transcript)
3Timothy Terrentine graduated from Western
Michigan University with a master's and a
bachelor's degree. Later, he earned an Executive
Coaching Certification from Case Western Reserve
University's Weatherhead School of Management.
4From the start, Tim Terrentine's goal is always
to motivate and provoke others so that they would
accept themselves the way they are and help
others build their self-confidence. As part of
this goal, Timothy Terrentine delivered a speech
at a conference in 2015 titled The Tug-Of-War in
Leadership. Tim Terrentine also presided over the
Kalamazoo Regional Chamber of Commerce as
president starting in February 2013.
5Timothy Terrentine has been associated with the
organization from March 2010 until December 2013.
He served on the founding board of Kalamazoo
County Ready 4S. The program known as KC Ready 4S
for early care and education has been recommended
by the Kalamazoo County Committee for Early
Childhood Education.
6The committee's efforts were spurred on by the
Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy and Action in
the Community (ISAAC), which was launched in the
autumn of 2008. Studies demonstrating the
benefits of high-quality primary learning and
care for children, community savings, and
regional economic expansion supports the
recommended strategy.
7Other initiative organizers are preschool and
daycare providers, neighborhood foundations,
school officials, educators, academics, families,
and private sector officials.
Find out more about him at his official site
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