Title: Woody Grass- India's First Bamboo-Centric Marketplace!
1Let's move the world towards eco-friendly Bamboo
products with Woody Grass!
2Rural Art
Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment
Hand Crafted
Hand Crafted
Rural Art
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3Bamboo, (subfamily Bambusoideae), is a subfamily
of tall treelike grasses of the family Poaceae,
comprising more than 115 genera and 1,400
species. Bamboos are distributed in tropical and
subtropical to mild temperate regions, with the
heaviest concentration and the largest number of
species in East and Southeast Asia and on islands
of the Indian and Pacific oceans.
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4Bamboos are typically fast-growing perennials,
with some species growing as much as 30 cm (1
foot) per day. The woody ringed stems, known as
culms, are typically hollow between the rings
(nodes)and grow in branching clusters from a
thick rhizome (underground stem). Bamboo culms
can attain heights ranging from 10 to 15 cm
(about 4 to 6 inches) in the smallest species to
more than 40 meters (about 130 feet) in the
largest. While the narrow leaves on young culms
usually arise directly from the stem rings,
mature culms often sprout horizontal leaf-bearing
branches. Most bamboo flower and produce seeds
only after 12120 years of growth, and then only
once in their lifetime reproduction is largely
vegetative. Some species spread aggressively and
can form a dense undergrowth that excludes other
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5Global Bamboo Market Size, By Region, 2017 (US
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6Why We Should Use Bamboo Instead of Plastic
- In recent years, bamboo has been called the
green gold of modern times. This super-powered
plant is actually a grass and acts similar to a
weed in terms of how quickly it can grow and
where it can live. There are so many reasons to
move away from plastic and switch entirely to
bamboo. - Bamboo can grow without fertilizers or
pesticides. - Bamboo is naturally anti-bacterial and
anti-fungal. - Bamboo can regrow to adult size to be harvested
within 3 to 5 years. - Bamboo is biodegradable.
- Bamboo produces 35 more oxygen compared to
similar plants. - Bamboo naturally helps rebuild eroded soil.
- Bamboo almost never needs replanting.
- Bamboo is an extremely durable material.
- Bamboo requires far less water than similar
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7Product Category
- Furniture
- Home Garden
- Lighting
- Decor
- Spacing Organizers
- Personal Care
- Lookbook
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8Some of the Products
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9Choose Smart, Buy Affordable Bamboo Products
From Woody Grass!
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