Title: Ball Valves | Butterfly Valves | Check Valves - DChel Valves
1Ball Valve Manufacturers
sales_at_dchelvalve.com 91 8657911405
Ball Valves Manufacturers- advantages - Bronze
(CAC401, CAC406) Brass (C3771) Gray cast iron
(FC200,FC300) Ductile iron castings
(FCD-S) Carbon steel castings for high
temperature/pressure service (SCPH 2)
2Butterfly Valve Manufacturers
sales_at_dchelvalve.com 91 8657911405
Butterfly Valves Manufacturers-
advantages- Stainless steel body and stem design
Sizes from 1 1/2" - 12" Designed with RTFE
coated stainless steel bushings Stem sealing by
utilizing the seat as a primary seal
3Check Valve Manufacturers
sales_at_dchelvalve.com 91 8657911405
Check Valves Manufacturers- advantages- Metal
or soft seated options. Renewable nickel alloy
seat. Integral elastomeric seat. Variety of
flange configurations. Spring loaded
hinge. External spring adjustment.
4Plug Valve Manufacturers
sales_at_dchelvalve.com 91 8657911405
Plug Valve Manufacturers- advantages- Quick
low-torque quarter-turn actuation. PTFE-coated
plug provides low operating torque Compact
one-piece body. Easy MaintenanceI Pipe end
5Choke Valve Manufacturers
sales_at_dchelvalve.com 91 8657911405
Choke Valves Manufacturers- advantages- Choke
body materials can be of forged Robust cartridge
trim Dump tube/sparger (only for bypass to
condenser) Brick stopper anti-collapse trim
available Choose from a wide range of actuator
6Needle Valve Manufacturer
sales_at_dchelvalve.com 91 8657911405
Needle Valves Manufacturers- advantages- Needle
valves are smaller in size. So, there is not an
issue of space during its installation Throttling
even with less volume of fluid is possible with
this valve Flow rates can be adjusted precisely
Its operation is easier
7Gate Valve Manufacturer
sales_at_dchelvalve.com 91 8657911405
Gate Valve Manufacturers- advantages- Gate
Valves Have Low Fluid Resistance Gate Valves
Provide Superior Sealing Performance Gate Valves
Have a Wide Application Range Gate Valves are
8Safety Valve Manufacturer
sales_at_dchelvalve.com 91 8657911405
Safety Valve Manufacturers- types- Back Flow
Safety Valve(Size range DN10mm 600 mm) High
Temperature Safety Valve High Pressure Safety
Valv(Size DN10mm 600 mm) Spring Loaded Safety
Valve With Lever