Title: Qsafe Pte. Ltd
1Q safe Pte. Ltd
- Q safe Consultants Services Company
2Workplace Noise mapping
- Competent staff from Q safe Pte Ltd (Noise
Monitoring Officer) must help the occupier of the
workplace in all aspects, beginning with the
performance of noise monitoring at their premises
and ending with the filing of noise monitoring
reports to the Ministry of Manpower. - Noise measurement is required by law.
- Every occupier (factory licence holder) of a
workplace is - required, per the Workplace Safety and Health
(Noise) - Regulations 2011, to measure the noise level
generated - by their workplace (whether by machinery or
- equipment used in their workplace, and/or by any
process, operation, or work carried out in their
workplace), and submit the results to the
Ministry of Manpower via an online system. - The best experts for completing noise measuring
work for Q safe Consultants and Services. - We work with a range of clients in the
manufacturing and petrochemical industries.
CCTV is the shortening for Shut Circuit TV. It is
a visual reconnaissance innovation framework
intended to screen the ideal general climate and
its exercises. Lately, the job of CCTV has
developed to uncommon levels. Initially used to
stop wrongdoing and 'hostile to social conduct,
for example, minor offenses like littering,
peeing out in the open and so on, CCTV observing
now assumes a more significant part, helping the
police and security associations in their
- Development Slant Observing framework and Meter
in Singapore.A tilt meter is a delicate inc lino
meter intended to gauge tiny changes from the
upward level, either on the ground or in
structures.Tilt meters are utilized broadly for
checking volcanoes, the reaction of dams to
filling, the little developments of likely
avalanches, the direction and volume of water
driven cracks, and the reaction of designs to
different impacts like stacking and establishment
settlement. Tilt meters might be simply
mechanical or integrate vibrating-wire or
electrolytic sensors for electronic estimation. A
touchy instrument can distinguish changes of just
one curve second. - The primary benefits of the versatile slant meter
frameworks are the accompanying- - The way of establishment of the slant plates
is extremely straightforward and might be in a
bad way or clung to the design. - One slant meter might be utilized to screen
many bronze slant plates. - The slant plate is made of bronze which is
tough in development and has superb temperature
strength. - The compact slant meter is reasonable for
checking change in tendency of a design. Slant
meter comprises of a fundamental sensor housed in
a rough casing with machined surfaces that work
with exact situating on the slant plate. The base
surface is utilized with evenly mounted slant
plates and the side surfaces are utilized with
upward mounted slant plates.
5Indoor Air Quality Test Singapore IAQ Testing
- Indoor Air Quality Testing Singapore. Great
indoor air quality further develops the
individual prosperity and strength of your
workers. In this way, there is no question that
premises with great quality air are more useful
working environments. - Qsafe Pte Ltd offers an indoor air quality
testing administration that gives you inner
harmony, realizing you are giving a protected and
sound work space for your kin - Regulation
- Indoor Air Quality Review In Singapore, IAQ
inside structures is directed by the Working
environment Security and Wellbeing (Supported
Codes of Training) Notice 2011 - SS 554 Code of
Training for Indoor Air Quality for cooled
structures. It determines the indoor air quality
that is adequate to building tenants and limits
the capability of antagonistic wellbeing impacts.
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7Acquisition of Remote Constant Residue Checking
Framework (RTM)
- Building site administrators need moment
admittance to estimation information that shows
them how powerful their residue the board
controls are. Nearby specialists need to realize
that the undertaking proprietors are remaining
inside as far as possible while neighborhood
networks need to feel that their wellbeing
concerns are completely tended to. - QSafe Pte Ltd likewise offers to buy Ongoing
Development Residue Checking Framework. Get in
touch with us for a cutthroat statement!
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9Acquisition of Remote Continuous TSS Observing
Framework with CCTV
- TSS checking framework with CTTV is to screen the
silty release for the vast majority of the
building destinations. Our Constant All out
Suspended Strong (TSS) Observing Framework gives
electronic, CCTV checking and picture recording
in light of Bar, Singapore necessities. TSS
sensor will be set in the release tank to screen
the TSS values, and the TSS values will be moved
to a got site, and cautions will be shipped off
assigned people at whatever point TSS limits are
surpassed. The framework furnishes Venture
directors and ECOs with a device to screen and
control dregs in building destinations.
- Office Address 48 Toh Guan Road East, 08-155,
Enterprise Hub, Singapore 608586 - Contact Person
- For Sales Raj 65 8123 4812, 65 6970 5992
For Operation Sathish 65 80317614 For
Finance Preethi 65 9670 5992 - Email ID
- For Sales
sales_at_qsafe.com.sg For Operation
For Finance
accounts_at_qsafe.com.sg - Operating Hours Mon-Sat 830am 530pm