Title: Avoidant Personality Disorder: Definition, Causes, and Symptoms
1Avoidant Personality Disorder Definition, Causes
, and Symptoms
2What Is Avoidant Personality Disorder?
Avoidant Personality disorders are long-lasting
patterns of behavior that defy cultural
expectations and hurt the people having them and
those around them. Other personality disorders
are characterized by panic and fear. They are
grouped with an avoidant personality disorder.
People with avoidant personality disorder
frequently feel inadequate and are extremely
sensitive to criticism from others. Despite
wanting to socialize, they tend to avoid it
because they are so afraid of being rejected by
3What Causes Avoidant Personality Disorder?
It is unknown what explicitly causes avoidant
personality disorder. But its thought that both
genetics and the environment matter. Although
this has not yet been specified, it is believed
that avoidant personality disorders may run in
families through genes. Environmental factors do
have a significant impact, especially
during childhood. In young children, shyness is
frequent. However, shyness persists into
adolescence and adulthood in people with an
avoidant personality disorder. People with the
disorder often talk about having been rejected
by parents or peers in the past, which can affect
ones sense of value and self-worth.
4What Signs Or Symptoms Indicate An Avoidant
Personality Disorder?
- They take criticism or disapproval very
personally and are overly sensitive. - They are hesitant to get involved with others
unless they are sure they will be liked and have
few close friends. - They have incredibly high levels of social
anxiety (nervousness) and fear, which makes them
avoid jobs or activities that require them to
interact with others. - They frequently exhibit shyness, awkwardness, and
self-consciousness out of a fear of appearing
foolish or embarrassing. - They frequently overstate potential issues. They
hardly ever take risks or try anything new. - They have a negative self-perception and believe
they are inadequate and inferior.
5Thank You
Read More Here Avoidant Personality Disorder
Definition, Causes, and Symptoms