Title: Medical Device Certification - ISO 13485 | Operon Strategist
1ISO 13485 - QMS Medical Device Certification
2What's ISO 13485 Quality Management System ?
- How do you manage your Quality Management System?
If you're like the majority of the medical device
industry, chances are you have a QMS that's a
combination of paper- based processes and general
purpose tools, approximately held together by a
group of people within your company-- generally
document control. - Its important because it's long overdue with the
former interpretation being released 13 years
before in 2003. - The 2016 standard is veritably much a bridge.
What I mean is that this bridge explicitly
describes and defines current QMS prospects for
medical device companies. Prior to these advances
being formally defined and documented in the
standard, numerous of the best practices being
advised and adopted were veritably ad hoc in
nature and frequently sounded to be based on
auditor opinions.
3- Medical device manufacturer should appoint an
experienced ISO13485 consultant who can work on
all risk class devices. The associations need to
cover the safety and risk information during
product life cycle as per ISO 13485 demand. As an
ISO 13485 medical device consultant, Operon
Strategist identify the specific regulatory
demand for the product similar as MDR, FDA 510(
k) during the perpetration. This helps
manufacturer in the further process of CE mark
medical device or FDA 510( k) clearance.
4Key elements of an ISO 13485 Quality Policy
- Adapt the policy to the association.
- Define a frame for setting your quality objects.
- Establish the commitment to meeting all
conditions. - Establish the operation commitment.
- Communicate the Quality Policy.
- insure the regular review of the Quality Policy.
5Operon Strategist
For more information about Medical Device
Regulations please feel free to contact
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