Title: Child Dentistry - Dr. Gargi Kandhari
1Child Dentistry - Dr. Gargi Kandhari
2This is the branch of dentistry which treats
children and takes care of their oral health from
birth to adolescence. Nowadays early childhood
dental caries an infectious disease is spreading
like an epidemic. It is considered to be 5 times
more common than asthma in children. According to
the American Association of Paediatric Dentists
every child should be taken to the dentist as
soon as the first tooth erupts in the mouth or no
later than the first birthday.
3This serves two main purpose of Child Dentistry
This is the branch of dentistry which treats
children and takes care of their oral health from
birth to adolescence. Nowadays early childhood
dental caries an infectious disease is spreading
like an epidemic. It is considered to be 5 times
more common than asthma in children. According to
the American Association of Paediatric Dentists
every child should be taken to the dentist as
soon as the first tooth erupts in the mouth or no
later than the first birthday.
4Various treatments carried out under this
category are
A) Oral health exam and caries risk assessment
for the child. B) Preventive oral care regimen
including scaling or cleaning and Fluoride
therapy in patients with high caries risk. C)
Interception of oral habits like thumb sucking,
tongue thrust ect and providing habit breaking
appliances. D) Early orthodontic assessment of
teeth for children and providing removable
appliances to enhance fixed orthodontic
treatment. E) Sealing pits and grooves on milk
and permanent teeth to prevent caries or dental
5Various treatments carried out under this
category are
F) Removal of caries and using fluoride releasing
materials. G) Root canal therapies for children
known as pulpotomy or pulpectomy. This is very
essential in order to prevent spread of infection
especially in developing permanent teeth buds. H)
Gum care and treatment of soft tissue conditions
like mucocele, oral ulcers, hypertrophic gingival
growth. Also care of periodontal health and
treating periodontal conditions. I) Oral surgical
treatments including all types of extractions,
cyst enucleation ect J) Treatment of oral trauma
and injuries.
6Teaching and maintaining good oral hygiene at
home from an early age is of utmost importance.
childrens teeth should be brushed and cleaned
immediately after eruption. A soft bristled
toothbrush with a small head should be used. Also
until the child learns to rinse out a
non-fluoridated toothpaste should be used.
Incorporating these basic oral hygiene habits in
the childs routine maintains the future oral
7There are various filling materials available for
children which are medicated fillings. These are
fluoride releasing agents which protect the teeth
and help in remineralisation. These materials
also prevent further decay or caries in teeth.
Also topical fluoride therapy in the form of
gels, foam, varnish or coating is a very good
preventive therapy in children.
8Also children are highly prone to dental trauma
and other soft tissue injury. After such an
accident it is of utmost importance that the
child is shown to a dentist to control and assess
the injury. This also prevents further damage. If
a child loses a tooth it should be immediately
cleaned and stored in a suitable medium like
saliva, milk or coconut water.
9Thank You.