Title: Allie Mansour - A Transformational Leader From Canada
1Allie Mansour
Project Management, Scrum, Digital Project
2(No Transcript)
3Allie Mansour graduated from McGill University
with a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in
Electrical Computer. He is also a part of the
PMI (Project Management Institute) and the Scrum
4Allie Mansour has a resume full of multiple
industrial-based skills. He has 15 years of
progressive management experience and applies
strategic thinking while being a business-savvy
and goal-oriented specialist.
5He is constantly looking for ways to improve her
work and skills and figure out ways to enhance
and advance them properly. This way he will be
able to increase the profitability and all the
factors measuring success.
6Allie Mansour provides full-service project
management consultancy for the construction of
desktop and mobile websites for banking,
insurance, and direct investing, as well as
training, methodology development, process
improvement, staffing, PMO installation, and
project support.
7Allie Mansour has assisted with large, complex
enterprise CRM initiatives such as online apps
and SaaS. Also, Allie Mansour has created a
business centred on CRM software implementation
and fundraising, specializing in Blackbaud eCRM
(BBEC) engagements for large, federated,
multinational non-profits. More qualities of
Allie Mansour are team-oriented management style
and delivering the high-end result.
8To know more about him visit his official
website https//alliemansour.com/ Thank You