Title: Know About the Canadian LMIA Process | Namdev Immigration
1What Should Job Seekers Know About the Canadian
LMIA Process?
2Every year, over 400 000 immigrants receive work
permits in order to work in Canada. In 2019, a
large proportion of these permits (75) did not
require a Labour Market Impact Assessment.
(LMIA). If you require it, you can only obtain
it from a Canadian employer interested in hiring
you if you intend to apply for a work visa in
Canada. If you want to work in Canada, you must
complete the entire LMIA process In Surry. The
LMIA protocol in Canada confirms that neither a
Canadian citizen nor a permanent resident is
qualified to perform a specific job in Canada. As
a result, the employer is permitted to hire a
migrant worker.
3Companies that want to hire Canadian citizens or
legal residents must examine them and post the
job for at least four weeks in order to obtain an
LMIA. LMIA submissions are complicated and
require documentary evidence as well as
analytical calculations. Examples include a
disparity between the number of Canadians who
applied for the position and the number of
incompetent individuals. Employers must explain
why any Canadian who was rejected for a position
was unsuitable for it. Not all LMIA-exempt work
visa categories are covered by the International
Mobility Program.
4Some of The Steps Involved In The LMIA Process
Determine Whether You Require an LMIA
Employers are generally required to submit an
LMIA application. However, there are some
situations in which an LMIA is not required. One
of them is a group of highly skilled workers from
countries with which Canada has free trade
5The Wage Rate That Employers Have to Pay The
Foreign employees should be paid the same as
Canadians and other legal residents in the same
profession. The average salary is less than the
median salary Investigate the market to
comprehend all aspects.
6An Advertising And Recruitment Campaign
LMIA guidelines must be strictly followed as
submissions are rejected due to insufficient or
incorrect online recruitment details. Recruitment
strategies should be aligned with the LMIA
requirements of the stream at the same time.
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