Title: IP Trademark Law
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We are a full-fledged law firm with national and
international presence. We handle matters related
to Intellectual Property Rights. Our exposure to
the complexities in the ambit of Intellectual
Property Law gave us the impetus and inspiration
to diversify into other streams such as Corporate
Affairs, International Trade and Information
Technology. Our firm was established in the year
1990 at Kolkata and since then we are
continuously growing through our various offices
in India and abroad. Our professional team is
having vast experience in handling the routine
matters and the complicated cases in the field of
Intellectual Property Rights. Our clientele is
located worldwide and is ranging from individuals
to some of the most renowned companies globally.
- Blue Border Saree An Intellectual Property
- Missionaries of Charity Copyright
- Only Address A unique trademark 6 BALLYGUNGE
- Patent
- Trade Marks
- Copyrights
- Industrial Designs
- Geographical Indications
- A patent is an important asset for an
organization. However, obtaining a grant of a
patent is a long process with multiple checks on
novelty, non-obviousness and industrial
application of the invention. A patent gives an
exclusive right to the inventor to make, use and
sell his invention. This exclusive right is given
for a period of 20 years from the date of filing.
The main idea behind a patent is to protect the
inventions that are created, thereby encouraging
more developments. - SERVICES
- Patent Registration Process
- Patent Opposition
- Patent Renewal
- Patent Infringement
- PCT filing procedure
- A trademark is a unique sign that identifies the
goods or services of one business and
distinguishes them from others. It is important
to register a trade mark to get benefits of such
registration. A registered trademark ensures that
no one copies or misrepresents your brand.
Further, it helps your business to build goodwill
and protects the customers from any deception or
confusion. A trademark does not have a set
limitation period and can be renewed every 10
years. - SERVICES
- Assisting selection of the brand name
- Conducting trade mark search
- Analytical studies on trade mark application
- Preparing trade mark application and filing it
- Preparing response for office actions
- Follow up the registration procedure
- Renewal
- Documentation for monetisation
- Opposition proceedings
- Litigation
- Copyright is a type of Intellectual Property that
protects the original works of the author as soon
as it is fixed in a tangible form of expression.
Copyright subsists in works of - literary, drama,
music, art, cinema, etc. - SERVICES
- Advising clients on importance of registration
- Filing the application
- Replying to objections
- Commercialisation
- Enforcement
- Issuing take down notices
- The term Industrial Design, is known as the
design, the surface pattern or the shape
associated with a product or an article which is
unique in nature. The registration of a design in
India confers on the applicant the exclusive
right against unauthorized copying and imitation
of his design by third parties. - SERVICES
- Recognizing the novelty
- Filing the application
- Replying to First Examination report
- Publication and Registration
- Cancellation
- Action against infringement
- A Geographical Indication shows that the goods
originate from a country, region, or locality. It
also represents some special characteristics and
qualities which are attributable to its place of
origin. An application for registration of a
Geographical Indication can be made by any
associations of persons or organizations
representing the interests of the producers of
the respective goods. - SERVICES
- Recognizing the registrability
- Application for Registration
- Replying to objections
- Timely renewal
- Protecting against infringement
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