Title: When Will You Call a Hair Transplant Successful?
1When Will You Call a Hair Transplant Successful?
A hair transplant in Dehradun is an effective
solution for genetic hair loss. A lot of clinics
in the field of hair restoration are providing
positive results after surgical treatment.
However, a lot of hair loss patients are not sure
about the results and they consistently ask
questions about the success rate of the
treatment. Therefore, it is essential to talk
about the factors that make a hair transplant
surgery successful. When is the hair transplant
successful? If we look at the perspective of hair
loss patients, they would like to have fully
natural hair growth as they had before. However,
the results always depend on several factors.
Therefore, a skilled and experienced doctor has
to consider all these factors to yield good
results for you. Thus, you have to measure the
results of hair transplant surgery with
realistic expectations.
2What happens during the surgery? During the best
hair transplant in Dehradun, the surgeon uses
your own hair for the treatment. These hairs
grow in the back and sides of your head experts
believe they are baldness-resistant. It means,
they will grow in the recipient area for a long
time after the treatment. Therefore, the surgeon
borrows these hairs from the donor area and
transplants them into the bald region of the
scalp. The treatment plan Only borrowing the hair
from the donor area and inserting them into the
bald scalp would not yield good results.
However, hair growth may take place in the area
due to the resistance of transplanted hair, the
surgeon and patient have to consider the natural
look of the scalp as well. Therefore, the surgeon
will consider your age, angle of hair growth,
traits of hair growing in the donor area, and
depth of the site in which the hair is
inserted. If everything happens according to the
plan, natural hair growth takes place in the
recipient area. After the treatment After the
treatment, hair shedding may take place but the
hair will grow again with improved strength and
thickness. You will have the first sign of hair
growth after six months. During this period, your
surgeon will provide many instructions to help
you recover safely. A number of side effects may
occur during this period, such as swelling, mild
pain, redness, brushing, and itching. Usually,
your hair loss doctor is fully prepared to deal
with these side effects. He will provide proper
medications and will guide you to reduce the
chances of these side effects as well. Conclusion
3As you see, the hair transplant surgery will be
successful if the transplanted hair grows in the
new area with full strength for a long time. At
the same time, you get perfectly natural results
according to your age and the condition of the
scalp. Moreover, it is better if side effects
like pain or swelling take place only for a
couple of days and subside naturally. Visit the
Luxe Enhance clinic to enhance your knowledge
about hair transplants. We offer a reasonable
hair transplant cost in Dehradun to treat
patients with male pattern baldness.