Title: NPSBSK - Early Childhood Programme
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2Early Childhood Programme
National Public School has two programs
concurrently the Montessori children of age
group 2.8 to 5.8 years and Kindergarten children
of age group 1.8 to 5.8 years. THE MONTESSORI
PROGRAM "Montessori is an education for
independence, preparing not just for school, but
for life. Dr. Montessori referred to the first
stage in human development (birth to age 6) as it
is the time of the absorbent mind.
One main feature of Montessori education is its
hands-on approach to learning. Students work with
specially designed materials, manipulating and
investigating until they master the lesson
inside. Teachers guide students through the
curriculum as children are ready for each new
challenge, introducing lessons and then letting
children practice what they have learned.
3Early Childhood Programme
schools for you to choose from, we understand how
important it is to consider various factors to
ensure a positive, well-rounded experience for
your child. The value of quality early childhood
education and care establishes a strong
foundation for life-long learning and reaping
social and economic benefits. Here at National
public school, Banashankari paired with our early
literacy-based curriculum, we incorporate
multi-disciplinary dimensions in
Kindergarten. The benefit of sending your child
to a kindergarten is critical for your childs
growth and holistic development. High quality
education is provided here at NPS, BSK for
children and families.
4Thank You
To know more visit https//www.npsbsk.com/nursery-