Title: What Do You Understand By Argumentative Essay?
1WhaT Do You UndersTand By ArgumenTaTive Essay?
2An argumentative essay is regarded as one that
makes the
an effecTive will be
IT is sTaTed ThaT
argument based on research.
grounded on new research insTead
or esTablished of only on
Such essays undertake a position
and support it via evidence. Still,
feelings and ThoughTs.
unlike several other essays, they are highly
interested in defining the specific argument
reinforced by evidence and research.
3Models For ArgumenTaTive Essays
4The Toulmin model comprises an inTroducTion wiTh
The claim or daTa To supporT iT. IT also
includes rebuTTals, assisTing To sTrengThen The
argumenT by anTicipaTing counTerargumenTs.
Rogerian model analysis Two sides of The
argumenT and concludes afTer weighing The
weaknesses and sTrengThs of each.
BoTh essay sTyles depend on supporTing evidence
and well-reasoned logic To prove The poinT in Two
disTincT ways.
5How To WriTe A CompeTenT ArgumenTaTive Essay?
6An argument Dissimilar to other essays,
students try to convince the audience of
something. Here, you are not just teaching them
any idea or demonstrating the concept you are
constructing the argument to alter the thinking
of readers.
Effective thesis The thesis acts as the core
of the argument. What particular message is the
student trying to get across? Mention that
message in one single sentence, which will be
the thesis.
7Research An effective argumentative essay is
grounded not only on individual thoughts but also
on research. That could be citing sources and
other arguments, or directing research in the
area, relying on the view and the text wherein
students will argue.
Having effectively-researched sources will assist
in supporting the argument better than
8Good Argumentative Essay Topics Based On
science And Technology
9Should fracking become legal? Do GMOs harm or
help people? Should vaccinations be compulsory
for learners to attend schools? Should
different nations governments get engaged in
addressing climate change?
Should social media platforms be permitted to
gather data from users? Should self drivings
cars be legal? Should there be any laws against
the use of cell phones while driving? Is it
considered ethical to substitute human workers
with automation?
10Interesting Argumentative Essay Topics Based
on Sports and Health
11Should athletes be paid off for being in a
sports team? Should players and coaches make a
similar sum of money? Should gender-separate
sports? Should the idea of designated hitters in
baseball be eradicated?
Should United States sports undertake soccer
more seriously? Should minors be allowed to buy
birth control without the consent of their
parents? Should the US switch to sole-payer
healthcare? Should doctors be permitted to
promote medicines?
12Good Argumentative Essay Topics on Economics
and Education
13Shall unpaid internships be made legal? Should
monopolies be permitted? Is universal
fundamental income an effective idea? Should
companies have a larger or lower rate of tax?
Is school uniform a great idea? Should college
be free? Should a student be taught
comprehensive sex education? Should PE impact
the grades of students? Should Greek life in
universities be abolished?
14Thank you!
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