Title: Best Fashion Designing Institute In Kolkata
1Bes T Fashio N
Desig N i Ng
- I Ns T i Tu Te i N
- Kolka Ta
2Looking for a fashion designing institute in
Kolkata? Zebra Institute is the best and flexible
fashion designing institutes in Kolkata. Our
fashion designing institute has been in business
for the past decades. At the same time, we have
made sure that students get the chance to learn
about practical application of their
basic knowledge since day one of their education
at Zebra Institute.
3We can say that Zebra institute is the top
fashion designing institute in kolkata. Because
we will have the opportunity to study in the
presence of a sizeable amount of the prominent
brands and off course the latest trend in front
of us. So here we can study about what types of
styles and latest trends are going on beside us,
practiced by our own teachers which will
definitely be an imitation on us. here we can
also develop our taste which is a very
appreciable point as well.
4cONtAct us
WEBSITE www.zebrainstitute.com PHONE
NUMBER 9163384527 EMAIL ADDRESS zebrainstitutekol
kata_at_ gmail. com PHYSICAL ADDRESS 216/ 2 F, AJC
BOSE ROAD, Kolkata- 17
5th ANK YOu