Title: ESG and Smart Manufacturing and Leading Sustainability and Change
1ESG and Smart Manufacturing Leading
Sustainability and Change
2(No Transcript)
3Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
standards assist organizations in improving and
being more accountable for their impact on the
environment, civic responsibility, and
organizational governance. Environmental How
the manufacturing of commodities affects the
usage of energy, resources, and materials, as
well as influencing the climate. Social The
social cues include employee and community
participation, health and safety of workers,
human rights, diversity and inclusion, and
conflict minerals audits. Governance It
includes non-financial reporting assurance of
those reports responsible taxation board
composition compensation for executives
shareholder rights ethics corporate
investigations supply chain management product
quality cyber security and data protection.
- ESG Innovation In Supply Chain
- Fundamentally, the ESG criteria guide
eco-friendly, socially-acceptable, and
ethically-righteous supply chain activities,
particularly procurement, sourcing, and supplier
relationship management. - Risk In Supply Chain
- Traditional key factors in supply chains are
technical quality, cost-efficiency, rapid
delivery, and reliability. - Examples of some risks in the supply chain
include - Environmental pollution
- Limited natural resources and raw materials.
- Health and safety challenges at work
- Labor conflicts
- Bribery and corruption
- Geopolitical concerns
5- Five Practical Steps For ESG Implementation
- Evaluate And Measure Attributes Of Your Business
- Draw Out Stakeholders
- Prioritize Company Values
- Set Objectives And Indicators
- Build Recurrent Success Milestone
6- How Manufacturers Help In The Implementation Of
The ESG Strategy - Manufacturers must use innovative technologies to
get the visibility, accountability, and data
necessary to construct and maintain ESG
initiatives. - We have summarized a few key points of how smart
manufacturers can implement ESG strategies most
effectively - Collaborate To Achieve Significant Progress
- Initial Supply Chains Involvement Provides
Efficiency - Cast A Wider Net To Implement Great Innovations
- Beyond The E, You Must Also Address The S And
The G - Effectively Manage The Transition
7- The Advantages Of ESG For Manufacturing Company
- Only through the meaningful and deliberate
incorporation of ESG into a companys operations
can social and environmental objectives be
aligned and financial performance is enhanced. - Consulting engineers can support integration in
multiple ways through innovation. - Sustainable Development Many novel ESG
concepts, such as social and environmental impact
studies, circular economy models, and product
differentiation, can be incorporated into the
integrated design process for engineering
8- The Advantages Of ESG For Manufacturing Company
- Asking the appropriate questions at the beginning
of a project enables engineers to make innovative
and well-informed decisions that affect the
projects conclusion. - Innovative And Emerging Technologies are
essential for integrating ESG into project
design, implementation, and management. - Engineering businesses employ developing
technology such as environmental management
systems, void analysis tools, and impact
reporting software to highlight the benefits of
sustainability innovation in their projects.
9For more details please visit https//www.violint
10Your Global Contract Manufacturing and Sourcing
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